It's been busy with Christmas! Evey is doing so much more now...
> Sitting with not much support and liking that position alot.
> Found her toes
> Her first rolling over (She hasen't done it much since the first few times 2 weeks ago, I'm ok with her not being too moble though!)
> discovering she likes her pointer and middle finger for sucking on her hands
> Discovering her loud voice!
> Getting her first hair cut from mom, yesterday. I want them to grow evenly.
> Spitting up less!
> Getting ready to try cereal in a few weeks! I'm hoping that will bring more sleep for mommy.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Friday, December 17, 2010
4 Months!

> Evey got her 4 month old shots and it was not as hard as last time, she was easly
> I'm very excited that my friend is pregnant! She is about 8 weeks along she the baby will be about a year behind Evey. I'm excited to share all my post pregnancy knowledge with her. And maternity cloths.
> I've had pink eye this last week and Shawn has still been recovering from being sick too. Pray for us to get all better.
> She is getting so close to rolling over!!! She has a few times that mommy has missed!
> Evey loves to grab faces, that is probably why I got pink eye.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
3 Months 4 Weeks

Evey is growing like a weed! So tall we marked her first mark on her hanging wall chart she is over two feet tall and weights 16lbs. She can do lots of fun things like sitting and standing up with not much support, wiggling around alot, reaching for things more,responding to peek-a-boo. She made the cutest shake your bootie video!

She is becoming more vocal in letting me know when she doesn't like being on her tummy anymore, Daddy calls it her "Teradactial voice". Evey is still sick not sure what is wrong maybe teething, but it would be very early for that. She goes to the Dr. Friday for the 4 month check up and second set of shots. :( Not looking forward to that. Grandma is getting alot of play time with Evey at school when she has free time.

She is becoming more vocal in letting me know when she doesn't like being on her tummy anymore, Daddy calls it her "Teradactial voice". Evey is still sick not sure what is wrong maybe teething, but it would be very early for that. She goes to the Dr. Friday for the 4 month check up and second set of shots. :( Not looking forward to that. Grandma is getting alot of play time with Evey at school when she has free time.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
3 Months 3 Weeks

Happy Thanksgiving!
> Evey is sleeping through the night the last few nights! like 7-9hrs! I praise Jesus for uninturpped sleep! Thanksgiving had some rough nights, but it worked in my favor I got to go black Friday shoping after Evey got me up at 3:30.
> She has her first cold the coughing makes me so sad. I was reading that they have about one a month and if they are in daycare that is double, so I guess she is going to be sick until she turns two.
> We are attempting a bottle a day and it is not going so well, so I bought a bottle warmer and she is still rejecting it but will take it for a little while, at night if you don't wake her up she takes it with no problem so I have hope since I know she can physcially do it.
> My big girl is standing up so tall and supporting her self very well. She enjoying sitting up with help and tummy time for longer periods. Of course she still loves to sleep on mommy. I relised the other day that Shawn never gets to hold her while she is asleep cause I hog it, so we talked about that, he said he knows I like it, and he said he really likes waking her up in the morning and getting the frist smile.
> We have moved her to the other side of the bath tub a few times it says infant and newborn on one side and toddlers on the other.
Monday, November 22, 2010
3 Months 2 Weeks

Oh that girl is awesome! She loves playing with her grandma Wendy at school. She is sticking out her tough lots and it's so cute. Evey is getting more sturdy sitting and standing I love slinging her to me and taking her everywhere we go. Mom and dad saw Harry Potter while Aunt Ann Baun baby sat for us it was really fun. Evey is still not taking the bottle but we will try every day or so. Mom is helping with Awakening and staying over night at the church on February so Evey will have to take a bottle then but she will be on cereal and just starting baby food then so it will be fine, I'm sure.
Monday, November 15, 2010
3 Months 1 Week

Mom and Dad got a fun date night and Evey had a sitter (AJ Mildenberg) it was so nice to have dinner with Shawn and have his full attention. Evey is doing lots of great things, she like to sit upright so the Bumbo is great, she can almost hold herself up. Her neck is very strong and she is very cute.
We took her to Target this weekend and I used the sling she loved looking at all the colors and enjoyed her time strapped to mommy! I found some cloths on Craigslist but the cloths were alot of spring/summer I thought it was more winter stuff but we'll make it work. They are really cute things.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Three Months!
Evey is doing awesome! She is such a happy baby girl very alert and likes to smile. Shawn said the other day when she laughs it's like heaven, he is so right.
I'm trying different swaddlers she didn't like the woombie but maybe I bought it too big, I just got the Miracle blanket so her hands will be at her side so a position she likes them at better, so I'm hoping to get lots of sleep tonight! We'll see. But I'm not sure how much longer we will be swaddling because she will be rolling soon. She goes to bed between 8-9 after a nap :) and then wakes around 1 and again around 5. I'm hoping that she can go 6hrs at some point so I can sleep.
Whoever invented daylight savings didn't have children I'm curious to see how her sleep patterns will adapt. We are going to MI for Thanksgiving so we got a swing off Craigslist for Grandmas house, so Evey can sleep there during the day time.
I'm trying different swaddlers she didn't like the woombie but maybe I bought it too big, I just got the Miracle blanket so her hands will be at her side so a position she likes them at better, so I'm hoping to get lots of sleep tonight! We'll see. But I'm not sure how much longer we will be swaddling because she will be rolling soon. She goes to bed between 8-9 after a nap :) and then wakes around 1 and again around 5. I'm hoping that she can go 6hrs at some point so I can sleep.
Whoever invented daylight savings didn't have children I'm curious to see how her sleep patterns will adapt. We are going to MI for Thanksgiving so we got a swing off Craigslist for Grandmas house, so Evey can sleep there during the day time.
Monday, November 1, 2010
2 Months 3 Weeks
Monday, October 25, 2010
2 months 2 weeks

> Evey is awesome!
> Went on her first stroller ride in her big girl stroller last night great head control!
> Smiling lots more laughed for the first time when tickled by Jeanie Upton
> Very courious in the world around her
> Have good tummy time
> Nursing with out the nipple sheild most of the time!
> Taking lots of naps so cute when she yawns and pouts
> Lifting her feet up a lot and is a wiggle worm!
Monday, October 18, 2010
10 weeks
She is a very good girl :)
Grandma says she puts legs up to get changed.
Starting to bat at objects on purpose.
Sleeps very well, longest ever 9 hours! mom work up sore and full and tired. Cluster feeding is the key! Get her good and full before bed time.
Discovering her hands, sucking on them, Seeing them, moving them.
Visiting people and cooing, smiling, talking to her visitors.
Falls asleep in the car and swing, and in your arms that's the best.
Has to be her idea to nurse no forcing it mom! Have gone a few days with out the shield, my nipples are sore but it's worth having one less thing to worry about.
I put up a video of her sucking her fingers on FB it was so loud to hear her suck! Got lots of responses on thumb sucking! Got to love unsolicited responses.
Grandma says she puts legs up to get changed.
Starting to bat at objects on purpose.
Sleeps very well, longest ever 9 hours! mom work up sore and full and tired. Cluster feeding is the key! Get her good and full before bed time.
Discovering her hands, sucking on them, Seeing them, moving them.
Visiting people and cooing, smiling, talking to her visitors.
Falls asleep in the car and swing, and in your arms that's the best.
Has to be her idea to nurse no forcing it mom! Have gone a few days with out the shield, my nipples are sore but it's worth having one less thing to worry about.
I put up a video of her sucking her fingers on FB it was so loud to hear her suck! Got lots of responses on thumb sucking! Got to love unsolicited responses.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Weeks 8 & 9 back to work for mom

9/27 rolled from tummy to backDaddy got a new camera and caught the roll on film
New sleep schedule 9-4:30-5ish or 2:30 lately hoping it will go back to 5 then between 7-8 mom is so excited and dad gets more time with Evey
Sept 29using the shield less and sprayed Evey in the face, she didn't like it, but lately she will only use the shield, but I keep offering if without.
We are going to an apple orchard Saturday in a few weeks if weather permits,
Discovered a Dimple on the right cheek so cute!

Evey's frist day at Noah's Ark!
I'm actually very exctied to be back to work, it's nice to have adult time and it makes me love Evey even more! I did cry though.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Week 6-7

Evey changes so much everyday my little girl seems so big ready everyday I think, she will never be this small again. I love her so much!
>Making the touchdown stretch
>Almost sucking thumb
>Growth spurt eating more
>Daddy's first reprimand I'm bouncing you and I don't appreciate you crying about it.
>Holding onto our cloths more with your hands
>Having good head control most of the time.
>Sleeping a good 5 hours :)
Had a fun date with Shawn we saw the movies "Easy A" when it was over I leaned over to him and said how much did you think about her?
Sunday, September 12, 2010
5 Weeks

Evey is talking and cooing more, we enjoy Saturday and Sunday mornings in bed with her. She loves to be held and loves to sleep. She "squirted" 6 feet on night this week and made mommy clean it off the carpet behind the recliner with a night light at about 4am. She also is enjoying her bunchy chair and her swing for longer periods of time. We got a cute card that has a baby on the front reading a book about raising parents it made me laugh. We took her to her first carnival the Zionsville fall festival she slept while mommy ate a corn dog. :) Daddy is so good with her she is one blessed little girl.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
4 weeks

Evey is doing great here are some things she is doing...
>Looking at objects and tracking them with her eyes
>she likes looking at lights
>she likes to streach
>she likes to be swaddled
>Evey enjoys daddy time
>sleeping on your chest :) that's the best.
she goes down around 7-8 and sleeps till 12-1 then till 5:30-6:00
She is a pretty good little sleeper cause she is about 11lb now but sometimes fussy from over tiredness.
Mommy is still very tired and healing. Daddy is tired too.
We love having her join us in bed in the morning although she likes to sit up more than lay down with us. She is so cute, we say that alot, and we are so blessed to have her in our lives. Daddy wishes he had more time with Evey she goes to bed pretty soon after he gets home from work so he misses his time with her from working from home.
>Looking at objects and tracking them with her eyes
>she likes looking at lights
>she likes to streach
>she likes to be swaddled
>Evey enjoys daddy time
>sleeping on your chest :) that's the best.
she goes down around 7-8 and sleeps till 12-1 then till 5:30-6:00
She is a pretty good little sleeper cause she is about 11lb now but sometimes fussy from over tiredness.
Mommy is still very tired and healing. Daddy is tired too.
We love having her join us in bed in the morning although she likes to sit up more than lay down with us. She is so cute, we say that alot, and we are so blessed to have her in our lives. Daddy wishes he had more time with Evey she goes to bed pretty soon after he gets home from work so he misses his time with her from working from home.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
a few pics

Evey has started to look at me while nursing which I love, she doesn't have to wear the same outfit because she has so many 0-3 month clothing that she is already growing out of and she's only 3 weeks! She was 10lb 4oz at the Dr this week, all those feeding paying off! I'm starting to learn her more and she is sleeping longer at night, so that is good for mommy, but I can't seem to get to sleep very fast after I put her to bed again. So I need to work on relaxing. Dad is awesome helping out lots, he is very tired too. I still can't believe she is ours so is so cute and sweet, when she's not crying, but even then she makes me smile.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
our new family
Life with at new born is like trying to keep your head above water. I knew it was going to be hard but holy cow this is a whole new reality. Shawn is awesome, he is so encouraging I'm not sure how I would do it without him. I'm glad God gave Evey two parents. I'm healing more now so that is good and getting some sleep but sleep deprivation is quite the crazy ride. I love this picture of our family.
Monday, August 9, 2010
It dosen't get any more pregant than this.
Sunday Night Shawn and I went walked around the neighborhood then went to a nice dinner at Boulder Creek in BB He got his favorite Pizza Chips and I got a pasta, carbing up for the big day!We joked that it was Evey Eve. I got a call from both my parents which was really great! I told Shawn something feels different she's going to be born.
I went to bed with some cramping in my lower abdoman lots of pressure and back pain so I tried sleeping on the recliner in Evey's room and got a few hours before the cramping work me up around 2:30 then at 2:50am durring a really contraction I felt a little wetness was this the water? I went to the restroom and sure enough the mucas plug was out and there was a bit of water. I took a shower tried to relive some of the back pain and cramping then I called Julie.
She told me this is really the day, and I started to cry she gave me some next steps and said she was heading over.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Still Preggers
We got an ultrasound today to check on her and she is doing well, the placenta looked good so that buys us some time. We set a date to induce on Monday so her birthday would be 8-9-10 how cool would that be! I'm hoping and Dr. Flora is hopeful that she will come before that on her own. We got a great picture of her foot, and we know she is still a girl so we don't have to change her name. but when they are this big it's hard to see much so no face shots. I am dilated a bit more too about a 3 still at 90%. She stripped my membranes, third times a charm?
Thursday, July 29, 2010
40 week apt
So she made it all the way, I keep singing happy birthday to her to get her motivated.
The 40 week apt. went well all my numbers are good; I'm 90% Effaced and 2.5 dilated. She stripped the membranes again. We will go twice a week now till she comes so we set up an ultrasound and non-stress test for Monday and Thursday next week. Hoping she will come before those but will be great to get an ultrasound on Monday if she is not here, cause I haven't seen her for 20 weeks, so something to look forward to. Of course Dr. Flora is not on call this weekend so it will be Dr. Moon delivering us if we go before Monday. Dr. Flora thinks she is 8lbs so that is a big girl! We'll see.
The 40 week apt. went well all my numbers are good; I'm 90% Effaced and 2.5 dilated. She stripped the membranes again. We will go twice a week now till she comes so we set up an ultrasound and non-stress test for Monday and Thursday next week. Hoping she will come before those but will be great to get an ultrasound on Monday if she is not here, cause I haven't seen her for 20 weeks, so something to look forward to. Of course Dr. Flora is not on call this weekend so it will be Dr. Moon delivering us if we go before Monday. Dr. Flora thinks she is 8lbs so that is a big girl! We'll see.
Monday, July 26, 2010
She's Here!
Week 40!!!!!!

Pumpkin: should be between 19 and 21 inches long and weigh anywhere from 6 ¾ to 10 pounds. If you are having a boy, then he is most likely on the larger side of these ranges, because on average boys are bigger than girls, that's a relief!
Your baby’s bones have become hard, with the exception of her skull. The bones in the skull need to remain soft and pliable for delivery so that they can overlap as they pass through the birth canal. Because a newborn’s skull is designed this way, your baby’s head may have a cone appearance for the first several days of life. Your baby will actually have two soft spots, or fontanelles, on her head which allow for an easier delivery. The front fontanelle will become hard between the eighth and fifteenth month of life. The back fontanelle becomes hard between the third and fourth month.

Shawn: anxiously awaiting the arrival of his daughter any day now. Talks to her every morning trying to coax her out: "We have milk out here, it's really fun, I want to meet you, I love you."
Thursday, July 22, 2010
39 weeks today apt.
39 apt update:Loose 2 dilated, 90% effaced, stripped the membranes today. Dr. Flora is not on call this weekend and Shawn and Julie are both going to the brickyard so she will probably come this weekend. :)
Encouraging for me to read today:
Most women deliver their babies by 41 weeks of pregnancy (fewer than 3 of 100 women will go past 42 weeks of pregnancy);
Encouraging for me to read today:
Most women deliver their babies by 41 weeks of pregnancy (fewer than 3 of 100 women will go past 42 weeks of pregnancy);
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Tosh.0 | ||||
M. Night Shyamalan Twist Ending of the Week - The Weightlifter | |||| | ||||
Monday, July 19, 2010
week 39 still pregers!
Baby Price: Now between 18 and 20 ½ inches long and around 6 ½ to 8 pounds. (how am I going to squeeze this baby out!?) Baby is continuing to grow and working on the layer of fat underneath her skin. This is an important part of your baby’s ability to regulate it's body temperature once it is born. Your baby is also beginning to form new skin cells which will replace older skin cells.
Lisa: ugh! I'm ready let's get this show on the road! trying to enjoy every kick and movement. Taking walks to try to go into labor. Packed for the hospital yesterday.
Shawn: Made a song mix for the hospital room. New nick name for me: Preggers. Wrote an awesome letter to his daughter. He is getting really excited for her to be here. Installed the car seats this weekend! We are so ready now.
Lisa: ugh! I'm ready let's get this show on the road! trying to enjoy every kick and movement. Taking walks to try to go into labor. Packed for the hospital yesterday.
Shawn: Made a song mix for the hospital room. New nick name for me: Preggers. Wrote an awesome letter to his daughter. He is getting really excited for her to be here. Installed the car seats this weekend! We are so ready now.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Week 38 apt
So guess who is 2cm dilated and 80% effaced? Me!!! Dr. Flora thinks she will come next week, but she has been wrong before, she is not on call this week and my Doula is out of town so I'm hoping I can keep my legs crossed till Monday!
Lisa <><
Lisa <><
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Sweet Note From A Friend
Amy is having twins and is due about a week after me. :)
Hey you,
Don't be worrying about the pain of child birth. Just keep thinking about Laura Ingalls. She had babies in an old log house with no drugs whatsoever! Her Pa was probably even there shucking corn or playin' the fiddle! (Annoying the crap out of her no doubt) IF she can do it you can do it! And like everyone says, you'll forget all about it as soon as they lay little E in your arms. Pain? What pain? Look at this perfect gift from God!
Plus, even if you go au naturale with no drugs, that pain will never compare the pain you feel on the first day of kindergarten, or the first day E comes home crying b/c someone was mean to her. There is a quote in one of my mother books and I"m sure I'll get it all wrong but it goes something like, "The worst part about having children is wearing your heart outside of your body." No truer words have been spoken. My heart breaks knowing all of the rough times Natalie and Tommy have coming and I can't do a thing to make it all go away. But it also rejoices in knowing that these sweet and perfect children have been given to me. And there is nothing that makes me happier than being with them and knowing them and having them in my life. I am so lucky to be their mother.
Okay, now I"m crying so I am going to stop typing.
You'll be fine! Ask for "Nubane" as soon as you check in!! ;o)
Hey you,
Don't be worrying about the pain of child birth. Just keep thinking about Laura Ingalls. She had babies in an old log house with no drugs whatsoever! Her Pa was probably even there shucking corn or playin' the fiddle! (Annoying the crap out of her no doubt) IF she can do it you can do it! And like everyone says, you'll forget all about it as soon as they lay little E in your arms. Pain? What pain? Look at this perfect gift from God!
Plus, even if you go au naturale with no drugs, that pain will never compare the pain you feel on the first day of kindergarten, or the first day E comes home crying b/c someone was mean to her. There is a quote in one of my mother books and I"m sure I'll get it all wrong but it goes something like, "The worst part about having children is wearing your heart outside of your body." No truer words have been spoken. My heart breaks knowing all of the rough times Natalie and Tommy have coming and I can't do a thing to make it all go away. But it also rejoices in knowing that these sweet and perfect children have been given to me. And there is nothing that makes me happier than being with them and knowing them and having them in my life. I am so lucky to be their mother.
Okay, now I"m crying so I am going to stop typing.
You'll be fine! Ask for "Nubane" as soon as you check in!! ;o)
Eye color poll
1 person thought Green
4 people though Blue
4 people though Hazel
I'm glad she can't have brown eyes except I won't be able to sing Brown eyed girl to her. Oh well I think there will be other songs.
4 people though Blue
4 people though Hazel
I'm glad she can't have brown eyes except I won't be able to sing Brown eyed girl to her. Oh well I think there will be other songs.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Week 38 pass the water mellon

Baby Price: Continuing to grow, but the vast majority of her organs are mature and fully functioning. The only exceptions are her brain and lungs. These two organs are at a point that they will function outside of the womb, but will also continue to mature during childhood.
Lisa: I bought a watermelon this week, because Shawn said he would cut it and it sounded good to me, it was funny to pick it up when it was the same size as the belly. Really starting to feel like I have to pee all the time, even after I go and my hands are killing me and I'm so sowlen, even some of my sandals don't fit! I'm excited to have her so all these symptoms will go away and I can hold her. I'm having lots of dreams about birth, breastfeeding and delivery. Just found out my friend is pregnant with Twins, so fun, and enjoyed Kipton's first birthday party this weekend. Still need to pack the hospital bag and install the car seat, I feel like if I do those things she might come! So I need to do them, but can't quite find the time.
Shawn: "She's almost here" Shawn had a dream that she is going to be born on the 17th so that is this weekend! We'll see. I think she will be overdue myself even thought I want her to come early.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
37 week apt.

Apt. today went really well, Shawn was able to attend and we enjoyed lunch afterward. Dr. Flora said she is drooping some and I am measuring right on track 37 weeks. I am full team today! Pass the celebration cake and ice cream, or don't since I weigh so much I can't get out of bed with out help. I'm still only 1cm but she said as she keeps dropping I will dilate more. Pray for the pain in my hands, I know it will go away when she is born but it is not much fun. I'm sleeping with wrist braces and that helps some. Two praises baby Price is still head down and I tested negative for strep!
Monday, July 5, 2010
Week 37: Swiss chard

Baby: She is now considered "full term," even though your due date is three weeks away. If you go into labor now, her lungs will likely be mature enough to fully adjust to life outside the womb.Many babies have a full head of hair at birth, with locks from 1/2 inch to 1 1/2 inches long. But don't be surprised if your baby's hair isn't the same color as yours. Dark-haired couples are sometimes thrown for a loop when their children come out as blonds or redheads, and fair-haired couples have been surprised by Elvis look-alikes. And then, of course, some babies sport only peach fuzz.
Lisa: yeah for full term on Thursday. Last week's apt was great, Julie our Doula came and Shawn was able to attend as well, so the whole labor team except the nurses (the ones who do all the work) were there. She is measuring about half a week early so maybe she won't come on our anniversary, but only time will tell.
I turn 30 this week, I'm excited to explore this new chapter in my life, but it's such a big mental milestone in our society, I feel like I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up, a good mom to our daughter is on the list.
My mom had surgery this week and it went really well, pray for her recovery, on a sad note my uncle passed away he battled cancer for a few years so I'm glad he is not in pain anymore but I'm so sad for my aunt and cousins.
Shawn: Enjoying putting together all the Ikea stuff, they're like big Lego's. Very excited to meet his Daughter soon! Having lots of fun dates and car time with Lisa lately, we're enjoying each others company very much.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Week 36 Crenshaw Mellon

About Baby Price: The fine downy hair, lanugo, that has covered you baby’s skin is beginning to disappear, along with the vernix caseosa. Vernix caseosa is the thick, creamy substance that has protected your baby’s skin while she has been submerged in amniotic fluid. Both of these are swallowed by your baby, along with additional amniotic fluid, which combine together to form meconium, or your baby’s first bowel movement.Your baby should be in the head down position, but do not panic if she has yet to attain this position. If by next week she is still not head down, then your health care provider may suggest trying external cephalic version.
Lisa: Not sure what a crenshaw Mellon is but it looks about right! Here is a picture of what the birth announcements will probably look like but not in blue of course, Scott Weber has generously offered to help me out :) so that will save us about $20.

How I'm feeling: Really pretty good, ankles a bit swollen, can't wear my wedding ring at all anymore, it hurts too much, I told shawn that I would wear his baby instead. It's hard to pick stuff up and move around but coming down the home stretch 37 weeks next Thursday! I'm so excited the mile stone of being "full term". I feel like it's gone so fast! I also have a Dr. apts every week now on Thursday so that will be fun to see how big she is and if I have dilated at all and if I'm positive for Strep this week.
Shawn: He invited me on a fun date night Friday we saw Toy Story 3 it was great, he enjoyed the two little girls next to us with all their cute comments. Our first date was Toy Story 2 in 1999, so that was fun to remember. We went to Ikea on Saturday for a fun road trip and we got an entertainment center for downstairs, which Shawn is not

It will look kind of like this but three on the bottom, and in white, but white dosen't show up on here very well.
We also go the cutest play mat/blanket and soft blocks I heart IKEA!!!
Monday, June 21, 2010
Week 35: Honey Dew you love me?

Baby Price: The vast majority of your baby's growth is complete by 35 weeks. His/her kidneys are completely developed, and the liver is beginning to process waste. Because your baby has grown so much, you will notice that she will no longer be performing an aerobic workout. There just is not enough room for somersaults. However, this does not mean you will not feel your baby move. Her kickboxing routine should stay the same.
Lisa: Did a lot in the nursery this weekend: washing cloths, organizing, putting things in their place, decorating with letters & pendent banner I made, making the bed with the new bed skirt, so cute! Experiencing some carpatunnal but it could be worse. Went "shopping" this weekend with my friend Sara at Stone Gate garage sale and found some great toys including...
Rock & See Ark and the alphabet blocks plus the Incrediblock for $15
Melissa & Doug wooden blocks for $1.50.
I kind of want to sell them now seeing how much they really cost!
Shawn: played with blocks and spelled her name, enjoying the games baby price got him for His first Fathers day and gushed at the sweet card He said "This is the best Fathers day ever" I wonder if he'll say that every year? Shawn thinks she will come on the first Tuesday in August, since this is a very busy work day for him :) we'll see.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
week 34 Dr. apt.
Everything is looking good she is now head down yeah! Thanks for praying. I will continue to do my cat/cows! I was measuring about a week early because I gained 3lb this week my most yet. Dr.Flora thinks she weights about 5lb now and will continue to gain weight she thinks Baby Price will be 7.5-8lbs when she is born. Next time July 1st I will get tested for Strep about 40% of women are carriers and if I have it I will receive antibiotics during delivery so our baby doesn't get meningitis and we will also check out the cervix super exciting!
Friday, June 11, 2010
Week 34-baby cantaloupe

Most likely your baby is somewhere around 17 ½ inches long and weighs around 5 to 5 ½ pounds.
Baby Price: During the last several weeks, we have discussed that your baby's body has begun to fill out with the formation of fat under her skin. This is an important part of development because these fat stores will help the baby to regulate her body temperature once the baby is born. The central nervous system is continuing to mature, and the lungs are well developed. While most health care providers would ideally like you to carry up to 38 to 40 weeks, your baby has a good chance of surviving outside of your uterus at this time. (YEAH!!!)
Lisa: Eating breakfast takes a lot of energy I always seem to be out of breath after meals. My new favorite pregnancy quote "I'm so crafty, I make people". I was asked to be on the MOPS leadership team as the newsletter person, I'm sure they were like who can we rope into this? But I really do like putting things like that together so I'm excited to have some deeper mommy friends through it. Our small group loved us so much this weekend through a baby shower it was so fun to see all the little kids playing together. I hope we can do it more.I'm getting a lot of good baby advise this week like...
from Sherry Pipkin
-Don't listen to any ones advise, do you what you need to do for your family.
-Take it one day at a time or one hour at a time.
-You can't spoil your baby, if someone says you're doing this say "I know, I only get to do it once."
-You don't have to be a great mom, just a good enough mom. (Grandma Wendy, she helped me through a break down last weekend! Love you mom.)
-Breath through your mouth, when changing an awful diaper, but don't eat a chili dog. (Pete Strege)
-Fasten your Velcro before you put it in the washer. (Michelle Sutton)
Have an apt this week so we will see if she has moved head down, thanks for praying!
Shawn: Watched the season finale of Glee with me but mostly because of the Journey mash-up. He held my belly the whole time and rubbed her and she loved the attention, lots of movement or maybe she just like the Journey mash-up. Shawn has started two new adventures: training for sound board for ZPC: He's really enjoying it and is a "fast learner" and will do his first solo service July 4th weekend. We have both also started meeting with a one2one discipleship partners I'm excited to grow through it.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Week 33-Pineapple

Baby: Her skin is beginning to look less red and less wrinkled. Fat stores are continuing to be deposited under her skin. Her bones are all beginning to harden except for the skull. The skull needs to remain soft and pliable for delivery.
Lisa: Feeling pretty good, still able to take walks: even though I have to stop from time to time. I'm craving sugar, sugar and sugar: trying to limit it or get it in the form of ice cream for calcium. repeat after me I will not buy Oreo's even if they are on sale, I will not buy Oreo's even if they are on sale. Had an amazing baby shower this weekend with dad's side I feel very loved. The only big thing we still need to get is the pack and play, it's feeling more real since the baby things are taking over the house! I went to some garage sales this weekend in my neighborhood and found some more good stuff for her including Fisher Price little people 4 sets for $15! And a Snap and Go for $10. I'm having a friend clean the house on Friday: I'm so excited for that.
Prayer request: Baby will go head down on her own.
I'm thinking head down when I visualize her in my tummy and doing lots of cat/cows (pelvic tilts) and even shining a light down there so she will be interested and want to go down there and check it out.
Shawn: Put together the baby swing this weekend! Good job Dad!
Shawn is thinking about Bottle vs. Breast: he says he will support me in breastfeeding, but sees all the advantages of bottle, like being helpful with feedings and going back to work. Which bottles to use: we registered for Dr. Brown, but lots of people say they are hard to clean. We will go to greenwood to check out the Buy Buy Baby's store and look at bottles then.
The great fan debate 2010: Shawn likes to have the ceiling fans on during the day when no one is home and at night in other rooms when we are not in them to "circulate the air" I think it's a waste of money. We need to go on that show marriage ref for this one, it's funny because he will turn them on and I will turn them off. What do you think?
Friday, June 4, 2010
week 32 check up
Every thing is looking great! I didn't even have extra protein or sugar which I was shocked at since I ate lots of puppy chow for dessert the night before. Baby Price is not head down anymore, but there is still time. The Dr said we could try to turn her if she is still not head down at 37 weeks. I shared my birth preferences with Dr. Flora she questioned me on a few of them, and we had some discussing surrounding the cutting of the cord and nursing during the deliver of the afterbirth.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Week 32
I'm not sure what this even is maybe a root of some kind?
Your baby is a little over 16 inches long and weighs between 4 and 4 ½ pounds.*
Baby Price: Your baby is continuing to grow. Her toenails and fingernails have formed. The lungs are continuing to mature but will not reach full maturity for several more weeks. Your baby’s skeleton has completely formed, but her bones are very soft and pliable.
Lisa: Feeling easily annoyed this week. Craving and eating lots of cookies and ice cream. Had a really great weekend with the Family, lots of people got to feel her move for the first time including Grandpa Konkel, Dad and Ann Axon (they know her name as well now). I think she is having hic-ups lots lately. Had a really great maternity shoot this weekend! Thanks so much Lis! here is a link to the photos.
Shawn: Reading the Baby Wispier lately, I'm reading it too but he is remembering more than me, so I'm glad he's reading it so in the middle of the night when I can't get sleep because she is screaming I can ask him what did that book say? He is meeting with his one-2-one partner this week for the first time and wrapping up his small group after this summer.

Baby Price: Your baby is continuing to grow. Her toenails and fingernails have formed. The lungs are continuing to mature but will not reach full maturity for several more weeks. Your baby’s skeleton has completely formed, but her bones are very soft and pliable.
Lisa: Feeling easily annoyed this week. Craving and eating lots of cookies and ice cream. Had a really great weekend with the Family, lots of people got to feel her move for the first time including Grandpa Konkel, Dad and Ann Axon (they know her name as well now). I think she is having hic-ups lots lately. Had a really great maternity shoot this weekend! Thanks so much Lis! here is a link to the photos.
Shawn: Reading the Baby Wispier lately, I'm reading it too but he is remembering more than me, so I'm glad he's reading it so in the middle of the night when I can't get sleep because she is screaming I can ask him what did that book say? He is meeting with his one-2-one partner this week for the first time and wrapping up his small group after this summer.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Week 31

Baby: is continuing to develop a layer of fat under her skin. This is in preparation for her arrival into the world and gives the baby more of a newborn appearance. During the next several weeks your baby will really begin to put on the weight. Remember the average size of a newborn is about 7 ½ pounds and 19 to 21 inches long.*
Lisa: It's happening... "Shawn can we turn the fan on?" "It's not hot in here Lisa.-Shawn" For Shawn not to be hot is how I knew I was turning into a furnace. I for sure feel like the belly is now taking over. I'm happy she is growing. I'm constantly hungry and tired, but want to keep doing everything. I did a wedding this weekend and am glad it will be my last one before she comes, walking around a lot hurts, but I need to keep moving!
Shawn: Disappointed in the last Lost show, but had a good time watching it. Babysat Kipton Saturday with Lisa, he pulled the wagon on the long walk he will be a great daddy! I can't wait to see him with our little girl. He let me know that he will be taking her on daddy-daughter dates so I better be ok with him dating another women. I am very ok with it. :)
Sunday, May 23, 2010
what color will her eyes be?

Shawn and I were discussing what color we thought her eyes would be and we broke out our biology skills with a punnett square I have hazel eyes and Shawn has blue eyes so she has 50% chance of having blue eyes and 50% chance of having green eyes, no brown eyes for her. Then we went to the internet and we were right! Here is a grid I found.
Other fun facts about eye color...
> You probably knew that brown is the most common eye color worldwide, but did you know that green is by far the rarest? In fact, less than 2 percent of the global population possesses green eyes.> As a country, Turkey has the highest percentage of citizens who have green eyes, at 20 percent.
> There are a number of countries – generally located in Asia, South America, and the Middle East – where green eyes are almost completely absent among the population.
> Did you know that blue eyes are the most common eye color for Caucasians, over amber, hazel, grey, and green? In fact, over 80 percent of the population of Iceland has either blue or green eyes.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Week 30!

She is about 15.15 inches long (CHL) and weighs about 3 pounds
As your baby continues to grow, she takes up a larger portion of your uterus. You may not feel that your body can handle your growing baby, but it will compensate by allowing your uterus to extend underneath your rib cage. Your baby’s eyes are becoming more mature, and now she can tell the difference between light and dark. Babies at 30 weeks can even follow a light source with her eyes. Once your baby is born, she will spend a great deal of time with their eyes closed. This is completely normal. Newborns only have the ability to focus on objects a few inches from their faces. While “normal” adult vision is 20/20, a newborn’s vision is 20/400.
Lisa: Only 10 weeks away! Wow that is great! I'm doing really well feeling good, getting good sleep most nights. Seeing the Dr. Thursday this week. I'm not really exercising much, I need to get back in the habit, but it hurts when I walk more than 10mins. maybe some strength training this week would be a good goal. We went to a newborn basics class this week but I still feel like umm what do I do with this baby? Went to a garage sale Friday and got some hooded towels and some maternity shirts for a good price! Had a dream this weekend that I gave birth to a kitten!
Shawn: He is getting very excited to meet his daughter, he talks to her every day, rubs the belly and does a good job taking care of achy mommy. He got to play tennis this weekend. He has enjoyed watching LOST, and still a big Wheel of Fortune fan. I signed him up to be a contestant this week but doubt he will be called, oh well worth a shot.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Week 29: Baby Butternut

Baby now measures over 14 ½ inches and weighs 2 ¾ pounds.
Baby Price is rapidly growing at this point. Obviously she is continuing to gain weight, and her head is also growing. This is due to the rapid brain development that began in week 28. Muscles and lungs are also continuing to develop and mature. Because there is so much development and maturing going on, it is incredibly important to ensure that you are getting plenty of nutrients and rest. Make sure that you are getting adequate amounts of protein, vitamin C, folic acid, iron, and calcium.
What Candy bar is in the diaper game at the shower!
Lisa: Welcome to the third trimester, it seems to all be going so fast! I've graduated to seeing the Dr every two weeks now. My last apt. Thursday I got a shot and I don't think I have Gestational Diabetes because I think they would have called me by now, so that is a good sign. We have our second first aid/CPR class tonight then newborn basics Saturday then we are done with classes at Clarian North.
Me and my mom at Max and Erma's for mothers day lunch.
Wow what a mothers day weekend! I had my big shower which was so fun! We got lots of fun stuff for baby girl! It was fun to put it all in her room. We decided for mothers day to tell our moms her name, so that was fun I cried when I told them. My mom said she thinks it is so pretty. I'm feeling good, a little harder to breath than it used to be, I just found out I have another prego friend, so fun! She is due in December. I'm feeling overwhelmed by the amount of thank you notes I need to write, but I will work on them one at a time.
Shawn: AKA awesome husband! Made me cry when he gave me a wonderful note about excited to see me as a mom and a massage for mothers day. He was very motivated to get the matters this weekend and he hung 2 the wire cables with clips that we got from Ikea and I clipped some of the cutest baby cards that I got from the shower on to it.
Baby Price is rapidly growing at this point. Obviously she is continuing to gain weight, and her head is also growing. This is due to the rapid brain development that began in week 28. Muscles and lungs are also continuing to develop and mature. Because there is so much development and maturing going on, it is incredibly important to ensure that you are getting plenty of nutrients and rest. Make sure that you are getting adequate amounts of protein, vitamin C, folic acid, iron, and calcium.

Lisa: Welcome to the third trimester, it seems to all be going so fast! I've graduated to seeing the Dr every two weeks now. My last apt. Thursday I got a shot and I don't think I have Gestational Diabetes because I think they would have called me by now, so that is a good sign. We have our second first aid/CPR class tonight then newborn basics Saturday then we are done with classes at Clarian North.

Wow what a mothers day weekend! I had my big shower which was so fun! We got lots of fun stuff for baby girl! It was fun to put it all in her room. We decided for mothers day to tell our moms her name, so that was fun I cried when I told them. My mom said she thinks it is so pretty. I'm feeling good, a little harder to breath than it used to be, I just found out I have another prego friend, so fun! She is due in December. I'm feeling overwhelmed by the amount of thank you notes I need to write, but I will work on them one at a time.
Shawn: AKA awesome husband! Made me cry when he gave me a wonderful note about excited to see me as a mom and a massage for mothers day. He was very motivated to get the matters this weekend and he hung 2 the wire cables with clips that we got from Ikea and I clipped some of the cutest baby cards that I got from the shower on to it.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Monday, May 3, 2010
Week 28 baby Cabbage

Baby P is about 14 ¼ inches long and weighs in at 2 ½ pounds
Baby Price: Her brain is really beginning to develop into a more complex organ. Up until this point, baby’s brain has been relatively smooth, but beginning this week her brain will develop grooves and indentions along its surface. The amount of brain tissue also begins to increase during the 28th week.The development of hair also continues. Eyebrows and eyelashes are visible, while the hair on your baby’s head grows even longer. Your baby is also starting to look a little rounder as the fat storage under the skin continues to develop. This is an important part of development that will continue through the remainder of your pregnancy.
Lisa: Feeling lots more movement now, and stronger! I'll have to find some brain foods to eat since that is the focus of development this week. I discussed having a video monitor with Shawn this week and he is open to it I guess we'll put it on the registry and see what happens. Still feeling like I'm fighting a virus, keeping up with the fluids. Just found out that my hair dresser is pregnant too! I'm excited for her. We're meeting with our Doula tomorrow evening and looking forward to picking her brain about lots of topics. Having my Rh shot and glucose test this week ugh, I love getting stuck!
Shawn: Working from home today so the ceiling fan can be installed, looking into a new dishwasher, and doing lots of great research and Lowe's trips for both. We finished our childbirth classes this weekend, and are doing first-aid tonight and next week, hoping to learn something we don't already know.
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