Baby Price: Continuing to grow, but the vast majority of her organs are mature and fully functioning. The only exceptions are her brain and lungs. These two organs are at a point that they will function outside of the womb, but will also continue to mature during childhood.
Lisa: I bought a watermelon this week, because Shawn said he would cut it and it sounded good to me, it was funny to pick it up when it was the same size as the belly. Really starting to feel like I have to pee all the time, even after I go and my hands are killing me and I'm so sowlen, even some of my sandals don't fit! I'm excited to have her so all these symptoms will go away and I can hold her. I'm having lots of dreams about birth, breastfeeding and delivery. Just found out my friend is pregnant with Twins, so fun, and enjoyed Kipton's first birthday party this weekend. Still need to pack the hospital bag and install the car seat, I feel like if I do those things she might come! So I need to do them, but can't quite find the time.
Shawn: "She's almost here" Shawn had a dream that she is going to be born on the 17th so that is this weekend! We'll see. I think she will be overdue myself even thought I want her to come early.
So, you kind of ate your baby this week. ;) I guess now that it's coming so soon, it's getting hard to believe. Of course, I'm not the one suffering through all the symptoms. But, it sounds like you both are getting really excited. Your joy is contagious. I'm smiling for the both of you.