Monday, July 19, 2010

week 39 still pregers!

Baby Price: Now between 18 and 20 ½ inches long and around 6 ½ to 8 pounds. (how am I going to squeeze this baby out!?) Baby is continuing to grow and working on the layer of fat underneath her skin. This is an important part of your baby’s ability to regulate it's body temperature once it is born. Your baby is also beginning to form new skin cells which will replace older skin cells.

Lisa: ugh! I'm ready let's get this show on the road! trying to enjoy every kick and movement. Taking walks to try to go into labor. Packed for the hospital yesterday.

Shawn: Made a song mix for the hospital room. New nick name for me: Preggers. Wrote an awesome letter to his daughter. He is getting really excited for her to be here. Installed the car seats this weekend! We are so ready now.

1 comment:

  1. Can't imagine. Although there must be some enjoyment in still getting to choose your own schedule. Besides, the 29th is still too many days away. But, look at it this way, people will get out of your way and be really helpful when you're out, if you ever feel like going out. :)
