Most likely your baby is somewhere around 17 ½ inches long and weighs around 5 to 5 ½ pounds.
Baby Price: During the last several weeks, we have discussed that your baby's body has begun to fill out with the formation of fat under her skin. This is an important part of development because these fat stores will help the baby to regulate her body temperature once the baby is born. The central nervous system is continuing to mature, and the lungs are well developed. While most health care providers would ideally like you to carry up to 38 to 40 weeks, your baby has a good chance of surviving outside of your uterus at this time. (YEAH!!!)
Lisa: Eating breakfast takes a lot of energy I always seem to be out of breath after meals. My new favorite pregnancy quote "I'm so crafty, I make people". I was asked to be on the MOPS leadership team as the newsletter person, I'm sure they were like who can we rope into this? But I really do like putting things like that together so I'm excited to have some deeper mommy friends through it. Our small group loved us so much this weekend through a baby shower it was so fun to see all the little kids playing together. I hope we can do it more.I'm getting a lot of good baby advise this week like...
from Sherry Pipkin
-Don't listen to any ones advise, do you what you need to do for your family.
-Take it one day at a time or one hour at a time.
-You can't spoil your baby, if someone says you're doing this say "I know, I only get to do it once."
-You don't have to be a great mom, just a good enough mom. (Grandma Wendy, she helped me through a break down last weekend! Love you mom.)
-Breath through your mouth, when changing an awful diaper, but don't eat a chili dog. (Pete Strege)
-Fasten your Velcro before you put it in the washer. (Michelle Sutton)
Have an apt this week so we will see if she has moved head down, thanks for praying!
Shawn: Watched the season finale of Glee with me but mostly because of the Journey mash-up. He held my belly the whole time and rubbed her and she loved the attention, lots of movement or maybe she just like the Journey mash-up. Shawn has started two new adventures: training for sound board for ZPC: He's really enjoying it and is a "fast learner" and will do his first solo service July 4th weekend. We have both also started meeting with a one2one discipleship partners I'm excited to grow through it.
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