About Baby Price: The fine downy hair, lanugo, that has covered you baby’s skin is beginning to disappear, along with the vernix caseosa. Vernix caseosa is the thick, creamy substance that has protected your baby’s skin while she has been submerged in amniotic fluid. Both of these are swallowed by your baby, along with additional amniotic fluid, which combine together to form meconium, or your baby’s first bowel movement.Your baby should be in the head down position, but do not panic if she has yet to attain this position. If by next week she is still not head down, then your health care provider may suggest trying external cephalic version.
Lisa: Not sure what a crenshaw Mellon is but it looks about right! Here is a picture of what the birth announcements will probably look like but not in blue of course, Scott Weber has generously offered to help me out :) so that will save us about $20.

How I'm feeling: Really pretty good, ankles a bit swollen, can't wear my wedding ring at all anymore, it hurts too much, I told shawn that I would wear his baby instead. It's hard to pick stuff up and move around but coming down the home stretch 37 weeks next Thursday! I'm so excited the mile stone of being "full term". I feel like it's gone so fast! I also have a Dr. apts every week now on Thursday so that will be fun to see how big she is and if I have dilated at all and if I'm positive for Strep this week.
Shawn: He invited me on a fun date night Friday we saw Toy Story 3 it was great, he enjoyed the two little girls next to us with all their cute comments. Our first date was Toy Story 2 in 1999, so that was fun to remember. We went to Ikea on Saturday for a fun road trip and we got an entertainment center for downstairs, which Shawn is not

It will look kind of like this but three on the bottom, and in white, but white dosen't show up on here very well.
We also go the cutest play mat/blanket and soft blocks I heart IKEA!!!
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