Apt. today went really well, Shawn was able to attend and we enjoyed lunch afterward. Dr. Flora said she is drooping some and I am measuring right on track 37 weeks. I am full team today! Pass the celebration cake and ice cream, or don't since I weigh so much I can't get out of bed with out help. I'm still only 1cm but she said as she keeps dropping I will dilate more. Pray for the pain in my hands, I know it will go away when she is born but it is not much fun. I'm sleeping with wrist braces and that helps some. Two praises baby Price is still head down and I tested negative for strep!
Wow. So many things to pray about in the development of a baby. I'm glad that the braces are helping some. How nice to have company at the doctor's office and lunch afterward. You get lunch I get a clean car. Jeff decided that we needed to wash my car last night. All in all, good times. I would enjoy the ice cream. I didn't realize that you needed help getting out of bed. So glad that things are going well. :)