Thursday, March 31, 2011

7 Months 3 Weeks

> Babbling like an Ewalk saying Dada > Using hands to help nurse > Pulling hair/ rubbing eyes when tired > Has 4 teeth top left currently coming in > Nursing 2 times at night 11&3 > Only will nap 20 mins at school or 40mins on grandma > Separation anxiety from mom > Loves giving kisses to everyone > Wearing 9 month, 12 month too big some 6 mo but getting too small > Gets really excited when she sees people she remembers by moving her arms and legs > Great at getting finger food (mostly puffs) to her mouth. Eatting baby food 2xday loves squash and most things we put in her mouth.

Monday, March 14, 2011

7 Months 1 Week

Evey is so much fun she is starting to grunt alot to let us know when she wants things or doesn't like things and she has started to hold on to me more when I'm caring her which is nice because we are moving her to a new car seat soon. Which is exciting a little scary that we can't
just transport her from place to place in her pumpkin seat anymore.

I can't believe she is already 7 months now, and praise God I'm still breastfeeding the majority of the time, which gives me more time with her during the weekdays at work. She is a great kid and working on crawling it's pretty cute. I praise God every day for such an awesome

> 2 Bottom teeth and likes to chew on everything!!!
> Rolling over in sleep to the belly and still not the other way on purpose
> Foot up while nursing and holds on to it very cute
> Wearing 6,9,12
> Banging objects together and loves clapping hands
> Says hiii and babbling
> Loves to scream
> Problem solving very smart girl!

Thanks again to my silver pennies sister who took amazing 6 month pictures of Evey!