Monday, December 28, 2009

Week 10

Baby Price is a little over 2 inches long, about the size of a Kumquat, and weighs about a quarter of an ounce.

About Baby Price:
This is the beginning of the fetal period when your baby's organs continue to grow and mature. The majority of his/her vital organs, kidneys, liver, brain, and lungs are functioning, but will continue to mature throughout the remainder of your pregnancy. Your baby's head makes up half the length of the body, and there is a bulge in the forehead allowing for brain development. Fingernails, toenails, and hair will begin to become visible this week. The fingers are no longer webbed. The baby is actively swallowing amniotic fluid and kicking his/her legs.

How I feel: Weak and Tired, but happy. Like I need to lay down after meals.
Cravings: Chicken Noodle Soup, Veggie Soup, Cheetos.
Things that make me go ewww: The smell of Coffee and Cigs. No more night club'en for me.

Shawn: He continues to take great care of me, he got some Daddy books for Christmas that I have thumbed through. He got a video camera for taking lots of video of the kid, that I'm sure will be on the blog,who said he's not a blog lover! My favorite Christmas experience with him was when he prayed over my belly, you are blessed baby Price.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Doula, is that the name of a restaurant?

To Doula or not to Doula; that is the question. (A doula is a woman who helps women and their families through labor and birth.) So I've been praying and thinking about this alot and Shawn and I have decided to pursue having a Doula with us during the birthing process.
Some of the reasons I made this decision...
The stats:
50% reduction in the cesarean rate
25% shorter labor (I wish this was higher but I'll take 25%)
60% reduction in epidural requests (not that I'm opposed to this)
40% reduction in oxytocin use
30% reduction in analgesia use
40% reduction in forceps delivery

Also they help with breast feeding and women who use Doula's have a lower percentage of post-pardum depression.
They start at about $500 depending on the level of training. I've been looking at alot of websites and some are kind of strange, like named after Greek Gods.

We are interviewing a Doula our friend recommended mid January :) I'm hoping she is a good fit for us.
Here is her Website
Birth by Design

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Face Book Congrats :)

Kristin Margaret Franke whoa. i just heard some big news from scottie w! congratulations!!!!! :-D :-D :-D
Kimberly Pressley oh my goodness, congrats lisa! how exciting!!! i'll have to add you to that list of stew alumni that are preggers :)
Dawn Johnson congrats on your news as well! I got to see the pics on Saturday... Wendi will make a great grandma!
Kim Huffman omg!!! congrats!
Lisa Jones hey. Congratulations! :) You guys will be great parents... :)
Kyla Karr McDaniel How exciting for you!
Maggie Liechty Congrats Lisa!! So excited for you! Hope things are going well so far! :) We are having our second in April, another boy. :)
Mark Edlin congrats!
Kara Schoeff AHHHHH! youre prego!!!! congrats!
Johanna Resler OMG! What fabulous news! I'm so happy for the both of you. Please keep us posted on how you're doing.
Andrea Gates Williams Lisa I am so happy to see your profile picture!!!!! What wonderful news to hear right before Christmas. C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Karyssa Schrouder I LOVE LOVE LOVE YOUR PROFILE PICTURE! =) im so excited to be an aunty.
Traci Field Fritz Congratulations!!!!
Anna Hite Walker LISA!! Congratulations!!! How many weeks are you?? about 8???? YAY!!!! congrats congrats congrats!
Ashley Bailey Congrats!!
Amy Standish Grissom yeah you guys will be awesome parents
Sandy Larson Sides Oh Lisa, what wonderful news!!!
Lauren Rogers Congrats!
Laura Knapp Smith so excited for you and Shawn!
Kristen Harjung Eaglesfield very happy for you and Shawn.. great news :)
Emily Johnston Oh my gosh. This is so precious. I am so excited for you guys! ♥
Pam Clampitt Mann I am soooo happy for you two.... THREE!! :>))
Dan Brooks are ther 2 in that picture???...LOL... CONGRATS!!!
Elizabeth Bail congrats to both of you... you will have such a fun time being parents together... God bless all three of you
Diane Endres Clifford Congrats!!!
Debbie Snow Congratulations you guys this is awesome....!!!!!!!!!
Kylee Eller Congratulations!
Jean Upton oh my Goodness, she/he so cute, in a blob sort of way:) I am so happy for you and shawn!
Boni Vance Hypes Congrats! Fun times ahead!

Monday, December 21, 2009

week 9 I'm craving grapes

Your baby is about the size of a grape, measuring a little over 1 ½ inches (1.67) from its head to its rump, and weighs a fraction of an ounce.*

While your baby is still extremely small, he/she is now ready for rapid weight gain. The baby is beginning to look more like a little person since the embryonic tail is completely gone by week 9. The eyelids are fully formed, have fused shut, and will open again during week 28.
All the baby's joints such as the knees, elbows, shoulders, ankles, and wrists are working and allowing the baby to move about freely within the amniotic sac. Your baby's heart began beating around day 24, but now his/her heart has divided into four chambers, and the valves are beginning to develop. Your baby can also make a fist, and he/she may begin sucking his/her thumb.

How I feel:
like I'm going to be sick, but it's worth it. I love reading about baby, and getting ready for Christmas. My pants are getting tighter, I need to start looking for Maternity cloths.

Not much cause I feel sick, fruit, this week it's baby grape, which is weird because I'm really craving grapes, I think I will bring some to small group tonight. Salt! Cereal, and other mild foods.

We were talking about being parents and Shawn's thoughts were awesome, I love how he wants to be honest if he makes a mistake with his kids. He has done a great job of taking care of me this weekend as I'm feeling not my best.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Weird Dreams

I love that I'm having strange dreams here is the first one I can remember...

Our back yard got totally remodeled and then I ate a light bulb and it turned to black sparkly tar in my mouth and was really hard to get off my teeth.

12/21/09 weird dream again...
I dreamed that I had the baby early at St.Vincents Hospital and I had to go back to work right away, so they took care of the baby and the left it in the tub and it was shaky and cold when I got off of work it was awful, of course, I was the neglectful parent in the dream.

I also dreamed that I was skydiving I was even right up to the jump out part and I was like hey wait I'm pregnant, I don't think I'm supposed to do this. So I didn't jump. Which is kind of a bummer because skydiving in a dream is way safer than in reality.

Side note: Shawn wants the first phrase the baby says to be "The Aborigine's played their didgeridoos"

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

my first am sickness!

So funny story, today around 10:15 I though I've been extra queeze today, hum... I think I'm going to be sick, and I was right. The funny thing was I've been reading in my prego books that morning sickness is a good sign that the baby will more likely come to full term, so I started to cry and laugh and smile and cry, it was the most awkward noise ever, so the cubbie people came out in droves to see what was "wrong" and more people know now.

I'm going to tell the staff today at the white elephant gift exchange, I wrapped a picture of the ultrasound for some unsuspecting person to open.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Baby's first Picture!

Well as you can see we are having an alligator.
seriously, it was amazing to hear the heartbeat and get our first glimpse of our new family member. They say it always makes it real when see it for the first time and they are right! We are excited to welcome baby Price July 29ish, 2010.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Week 8 Sea Cow

size of baby Price 7-8 weeks Pregnant!

About Baby: Eyelid folds and ears are forming and even the tip of the nose is visible. The arms have grown longer and bend at the elbows. Places where fingers and toes eventually will grow are becoming notched.

How I Feel: Like I have cramps which means the uterus is growing! I've checked out oh about every book from the library, learning lots about pregnancy. Excited about going to the Dr. tomorrow, hopefully we will get all our questions answered, and get to hear the heart beat.

Cravings: yogurt, milk, cookies but what else is new. aversions: eggs, some meats but I need protein so I will force it down!

Shawn is sweet: he is reading a daddy book! He is making eggs for me in the morning when I can stomach them. He calls the baby a sea cow or is that manatee? check out Jim Gaffigan's explanation

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Baby on the way!

So for my first offical post I'm excited to share that we are having a baby!

It was so fun to tell Shawn...

I bought his favorite childrens book "if you give a mouse a cookie" and inscribed it with...

"I can't wait for you to read this to me I love you daddy" November 18, 2009 the day I found out.