Sunday, August 29, 2010

a few pics

Sleeping beauty and she's number one!

so mostly we've been hanging out on the couch and sleeping :) well she has been sleeping not me.
Evey has started to look at me while nursing which I love, she doesn't have to wear the same outfit because she has so many 0-3 month clothing that she is already growing out of and she's only 3 weeks! She was 10lb 4oz at the Dr this week, all those feeding paying off! I'm starting to learn her more and she is sleeping longer at night, so that is good for mommy, but I can't seem to get to sleep very fast after I put her to bed again. So I need to work on relaxing. Dad is awesome helping out lots, he is very tired too. I still can't believe she is ours so is so cute and sweet, when she's not crying, but even then she makes me smile.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

our new family

Life with at new born is like trying to keep your head above water. I knew it was going to be hard but holy cow this is a whole new reality. Shawn is awesome, he is so encouraging I'm not sure how I would do it without him. I'm glad God gave Evey two parents. I'm healing more now so that is good and getting some sleep but sleep deprivation is quite the crazy ride. I love this picture of our family.

Monday, August 9, 2010

It dosen't get any more pregant than this.

Sunday Night Shawn and I went walked around the neighborhood then went to a nice dinner at Boulder Creek in BB He got his favorite Pizza Chips and I got a pasta, carbing up for the big day!We joked that it was Evey Eve. I got a call from both my parents which was really great! I told Shawn something feels different she's going to be born.

I went to bed with some cramping in my lower abdoman lots of pressure and back pain so I tried sleeping on the recliner in Evey's room and got a few hours before the cramping work me up around 2:30 then at 2:50am durring a really contraction I felt a little wetness was this the water? I went to the restroom and sure enough the mucas plug was out and there was a bit of water. I took a shower tried to relive some of the back pain and cramping then I called Julie.

She told me this is really the day, and I started to cry she gave me some next steps and said she was heading over.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Still Preggers

We got an ultrasound today to check on her and she is doing well, the placenta looked good so that buys us some time. We set a date to induce on Monday so her birthday would be 8-9-10 how cool would that be! I'm hoping and Dr. Flora is hopeful that she will come before that on her own. We got a great picture of her foot, and we know she is still a girl so we don't have to change her name. but when they are this big it's hard to see much so no face shots. I am dilated a bit more too about a 3 still at 90%. She stripped my membranes, third times a charm?