So she made it all the way, I keep singing happy birthday to her to get her motivated.
The 40 week apt. went well all my numbers are good; I'm 90% Effaced and 2.5 dilated. She stripped the membranes again. We will go twice a week now till she comes so we set up an ultrasound and non-stress test for Monday and Thursday next week. Hoping she will come before those but will be great to get an ultrasound on Monday if she is not here, cause I haven't seen her for 20 weeks, so something to look forward to. Of course Dr. Flora is not on call this weekend so it will be Dr. Moon delivering us if we go before Monday. Dr. Flora thinks she is 8lbs so that is a big girl! We'll see.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010
She's Here!
Week 40!!!!!!

Pumpkin: should be between 19 and 21 inches long and weigh anywhere from 6 ¾ to 10 pounds. If you are having a boy, then he is most likely on the larger side of these ranges, because on average boys are bigger than girls, that's a relief!
Your baby’s bones have become hard, with the exception of her skull. The bones in the skull need to remain soft and pliable for delivery so that they can overlap as they pass through the birth canal. Because a newborn’s skull is designed this way, your baby’s head may have a cone appearance for the first several days of life. Your baby will actually have two soft spots, or fontanelles, on her head which allow for an easier delivery. The front fontanelle will become hard between the eighth and fifteenth month of life. The back fontanelle becomes hard between the third and fourth month.

Shawn: anxiously awaiting the arrival of his daughter any day now. Talks to her every morning trying to coax her out: "We have milk out here, it's really fun, I want to meet you, I love you."
Thursday, July 22, 2010
39 weeks today apt.
39 apt update:Loose 2 dilated, 90% effaced, stripped the membranes today. Dr. Flora is not on call this weekend and Shawn and Julie are both going to the brickyard so she will probably come this weekend. :)
Encouraging for me to read today:
Most women deliver their babies by 41 weeks of pregnancy (fewer than 3 of 100 women will go past 42 weeks of pregnancy);
Encouraging for me to read today:
Most women deliver their babies by 41 weeks of pregnancy (fewer than 3 of 100 women will go past 42 weeks of pregnancy);
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Tosh.0 | ||||
M. Night Shyamalan Twist Ending of the Week - The Weightlifter | |||| | ||||
Monday, July 19, 2010
week 39 still pregers!
Baby Price: Now between 18 and 20 ½ inches long and around 6 ½ to 8 pounds. (how am I going to squeeze this baby out!?) Baby is continuing to grow and working on the layer of fat underneath her skin. This is an important part of your baby’s ability to regulate it's body temperature once it is born. Your baby is also beginning to form new skin cells which will replace older skin cells.
Lisa: ugh! I'm ready let's get this show on the road! trying to enjoy every kick and movement. Taking walks to try to go into labor. Packed for the hospital yesterday.
Shawn: Made a song mix for the hospital room. New nick name for me: Preggers. Wrote an awesome letter to his daughter. He is getting really excited for her to be here. Installed the car seats this weekend! We are so ready now.
Lisa: ugh! I'm ready let's get this show on the road! trying to enjoy every kick and movement. Taking walks to try to go into labor. Packed for the hospital yesterday.
Shawn: Made a song mix for the hospital room. New nick name for me: Preggers. Wrote an awesome letter to his daughter. He is getting really excited for her to be here. Installed the car seats this weekend! We are so ready now.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Week 38 apt
So guess who is 2cm dilated and 80% effaced? Me!!! Dr. Flora thinks she will come next week, but she has been wrong before, she is not on call this week and my Doula is out of town so I'm hoping I can keep my legs crossed till Monday!
Lisa <><
Lisa <><
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Sweet Note From A Friend
Amy is having twins and is due about a week after me. :)
Hey you,
Don't be worrying about the pain of child birth. Just keep thinking about Laura Ingalls. She had babies in an old log house with no drugs whatsoever! Her Pa was probably even there shucking corn or playin' the fiddle! (Annoying the crap out of her no doubt) IF she can do it you can do it! And like everyone says, you'll forget all about it as soon as they lay little E in your arms. Pain? What pain? Look at this perfect gift from God!
Plus, even if you go au naturale with no drugs, that pain will never compare the pain you feel on the first day of kindergarten, or the first day E comes home crying b/c someone was mean to her. There is a quote in one of my mother books and I"m sure I'll get it all wrong but it goes something like, "The worst part about having children is wearing your heart outside of your body." No truer words have been spoken. My heart breaks knowing all of the rough times Natalie and Tommy have coming and I can't do a thing to make it all go away. But it also rejoices in knowing that these sweet and perfect children have been given to me. And there is nothing that makes me happier than being with them and knowing them and having them in my life. I am so lucky to be their mother.
Okay, now I"m crying so I am going to stop typing.
You'll be fine! Ask for "Nubane" as soon as you check in!! ;o)
Hey you,
Don't be worrying about the pain of child birth. Just keep thinking about Laura Ingalls. She had babies in an old log house with no drugs whatsoever! Her Pa was probably even there shucking corn or playin' the fiddle! (Annoying the crap out of her no doubt) IF she can do it you can do it! And like everyone says, you'll forget all about it as soon as they lay little E in your arms. Pain? What pain? Look at this perfect gift from God!
Plus, even if you go au naturale with no drugs, that pain will never compare the pain you feel on the first day of kindergarten, or the first day E comes home crying b/c someone was mean to her. There is a quote in one of my mother books and I"m sure I'll get it all wrong but it goes something like, "The worst part about having children is wearing your heart outside of your body." No truer words have been spoken. My heart breaks knowing all of the rough times Natalie and Tommy have coming and I can't do a thing to make it all go away. But it also rejoices in knowing that these sweet and perfect children have been given to me. And there is nothing that makes me happier than being with them and knowing them and having them in my life. I am so lucky to be their mother.
Okay, now I"m crying so I am going to stop typing.
You'll be fine! Ask for "Nubane" as soon as you check in!! ;o)
Eye color poll
1 person thought Green
4 people though Blue
4 people though Hazel
I'm glad she can't have brown eyes except I won't be able to sing Brown eyed girl to her. Oh well I think there will be other songs.
4 people though Blue
4 people though Hazel
I'm glad she can't have brown eyes except I won't be able to sing Brown eyed girl to her. Oh well I think there will be other songs.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Week 38 pass the water mellon

Baby Price: Continuing to grow, but the vast majority of her organs are mature and fully functioning. The only exceptions are her brain and lungs. These two organs are at a point that they will function outside of the womb, but will also continue to mature during childhood.
Lisa: I bought a watermelon this week, because Shawn said he would cut it and it sounded good to me, it was funny to pick it up when it was the same size as the belly. Really starting to feel like I have to pee all the time, even after I go and my hands are killing me and I'm so sowlen, even some of my sandals don't fit! I'm excited to have her so all these symptoms will go away and I can hold her. I'm having lots of dreams about birth, breastfeeding and delivery. Just found out my friend is pregnant with Twins, so fun, and enjoyed Kipton's first birthday party this weekend. Still need to pack the hospital bag and install the car seat, I feel like if I do those things she might come! So I need to do them, but can't quite find the time.
Shawn: "She's almost here" Shawn had a dream that she is going to be born on the 17th so that is this weekend! We'll see. I think she will be overdue myself even thought I want her to come early.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
37 week apt.

Apt. today went really well, Shawn was able to attend and we enjoyed lunch afterward. Dr. Flora said she is drooping some and I am measuring right on track 37 weeks. I am full team today! Pass the celebration cake and ice cream, or don't since I weigh so much I can't get out of bed with out help. I'm still only 1cm but she said as she keeps dropping I will dilate more. Pray for the pain in my hands, I know it will go away when she is born but it is not much fun. I'm sleeping with wrist braces and that helps some. Two praises baby Price is still head down and I tested negative for strep!
Monday, July 5, 2010
Week 37: Swiss chard

Baby: She is now considered "full term," even though your due date is three weeks away. If you go into labor now, her lungs will likely be mature enough to fully adjust to life outside the womb.Many babies have a full head of hair at birth, with locks from 1/2 inch to 1 1/2 inches long. But don't be surprised if your baby's hair isn't the same color as yours. Dark-haired couples are sometimes thrown for a loop when their children come out as blonds or redheads, and fair-haired couples have been surprised by Elvis look-alikes. And then, of course, some babies sport only peach fuzz.
Lisa: yeah for full term on Thursday. Last week's apt was great, Julie our Doula came and Shawn was able to attend as well, so the whole labor team except the nurses (the ones who do all the work) were there. She is measuring about half a week early so maybe she won't come on our anniversary, but only time will tell.
I turn 30 this week, I'm excited to explore this new chapter in my life, but it's such a big mental milestone in our society, I feel like I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up, a good mom to our daughter is on the list.
My mom had surgery this week and it went really well, pray for her recovery, on a sad note my uncle passed away he battled cancer for a few years so I'm glad he is not in pain anymore but I'm so sad for my aunt and cousins.
Shawn: Enjoying putting together all the Ikea stuff, they're like big Lego's. Very excited to meet his Daughter soon! Having lots of fun dates and car time with Lisa lately, we're enjoying each others company very much.
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