Baby is now 13 ¾ inches long and weighs 2¼ pounds
Baby Price: Around week 11 your baby’s eye lids became fused, but around the 27th to 28th week babies can open and close their eyes. Your baby has also developed a regular wake and sleep cycle. Unfortunately, it may not be the same as yours. You may also begin to feel rhythmic movements in your uterus and wonder what is going on. It is likely that your baby is experiencing a case of the hiccups. This is completely normal and may occur quite frequently during this last part of your pregnancy as your baby’s lungs continue to mature.
Mommy Price: Developed a bit of a cold yesterday, so lots of fluids, and rest. Our first childbirth class was very enlightening, learned alot about labor, I'm sure it will be alot different for real though; I'm very glad we have a Doula. Finally got a celling fan for the baby room, Chris is going to help us install it that will save us about $200! Thanks! We are going to order a crib this week so looking forward to seeing that all set up, thanks Grandma Wendy! I got to see Nicole get baptized at Campus House this weekend, so awesome! I love Jesus.
DaddyPrice: Experiencing lots of mouth pain lately from last trip to the dentist. Excited to get the crib and chair soon so the nursery will be all together. Was awesome back rubber at child birth class.
How exciting to see a baptism! Definitely a highlight of the week. However, saving money is good too. I saved 12.68 on an oil change and thought I was doing good, but you've topped me. Hope that Shawn's mouth is getting better. It would be a shame if you had lots of peanuts in the house and he couldn't eat them.