Over 12 ½ inches long and weighs 1¼ to 1½ pounds.
Baby Girl: her brain is growing rapidly at this time. Taste buds are also developing, and the lungs are becoming more developed and complex. The branches of the main lung are beginning to form as well as special cells that will produce surfactant. Surfactant is necessary for the air sacs to inflate easily. Babies who are born prematurely often have trouble breathing because these cells have not had enough time to develop or are not producing the necessary amounts of surfactant.
Lisa: Ikea Ikea Ikea! I love Ikea! We got so much great stuff there for a good price and it all fit in the Vue, I'm glad we have that car. Baby Price is moving so much more this week she likes when I eat. I've been tired and headaches but to be expected. I'm going to interview Dr.Wheeler today in Zionsville to be our pediatrician so we'll see what the office is like, and how they answer all my questions. Seeing Dr. Flora this Thursday for a check up should be a quick one, but looking forward to hearing the heart beat again. Took back the 2nd hand chair and looking at getting a new one this week, maybe Tuesday, the nursery is really coming together, I'll post some pics when it is more arranged. My mom is going to buy our crib, so I need to register her at target this week so she can get a $20 gift card. I read this weekend that even if she is born now she will likely survive with prenatal care so that is a big relief, not that I'm planning on going into labor any time soon.
Shawn: Had a good time in MI this weekend, visiting friends and family and seeing the ipad for the first time at Best Buy. I wonder how long it will take him to buy one? He put together lots of Ikea furniture last night and did a great job! He think Lisa loves Ikea more then she loves me.

What Shawn saw on the way home from MI even thougth I couldn't put my seat down, because of the Ikea bounty, I still accomplished my goal of sleeping. Thanks for not throwing anything in my mouth babe.
Guess it's all a bit of location. Some people Jeff knows that live near Ikea say that it's for college students, while almost everyone I know is such an Ikea fan. I'm certain Shawn's wonderings will pass. Impressive that he already put the furniture together! Jeff put his laundry away and did some of the dishes. We have great husbands!