Baby Price: The development that is occurring at this stage may seem small and insignificant, but it is very important as your baby begins to prepare for her entry into the world. The nerves in the ears are developing and allowing your baby to respond more consistently to the sounds that she hears. Your baby is also continuing to swallow amniotic fluid which is causing her lungs to develop.
Lisa: Had a really nice weekend, made some baby quilts for the Crispin Twin boys, went to a few get together, looked at recliners again, getting closer to finding one probably first week of May or so. Really looking forward to our childbirth classes this weekend! Hope they don't freak me out too much. I'm feeling lots of movement from cool cucumber. If she only weights 2lbs I know where the rest of the weight went, my boobs! I must get some new bras, they are hurting so much. Been asking more people about their breastfeeding experiences and reading up on it. I pray that she is good at it, and that I can get through the pain of the first 2-3 weeks. I'm doing some research to see if eating peanuts will give your child an allergy or help your child not to have one. ( I think I will avoid them for now)
Tomorrow (Tuesday) will mark 100 day left of pregnancy, so Wednesday we will be in double digits!
Shawn: He is a master at upholstery check out these amazing frames he nailed fabric to...

The nursery is really starting to come together, thanks to daddy! The crib is still not on sale! Target and their sneaky price raising.
WOW. Those are amazing. Who knew that Shawn would be a natural at decorating. :) Though he has good advice, I believe. Crazy the amount of things that you have to think through for your little one. Eating or not eating peanuts. You think if you ate chocolate the baby might be allergic to that? ;)