Monday, June 28, 2010

Week 36 Crenshaw Mellon

Baby is likely between 17 ½ to 19 inches long and weighs 5 ¾ to 6 ¾ pounds.

About Baby Price: The fine downy hair, lanugo, that has covered you baby’s skin is beginning to disappear, along with the vernix caseosa. Vernix caseosa is the thick, creamy substance that has protected your baby’s skin while she has been submerged in amniotic fluid. Both of these are swallowed by your baby, along with additional amniotic fluid, which combine together to form meconium, or your baby’s first bowel movement.Your baby should be in the head down position, but do not panic if she has yet to attain this position. If by next week she is still not head down, then your health care provider may suggest trying external cephalic version.

Lisa: Not sure what a crenshaw Mellon is but it looks about right! Here is a picture of what the birth announcements will probably look like but not in blue of course, Scott Weber has generously offered to help me out :) so that will save us about $20.

How I'm feeling: Really pretty good, ankles a bit swollen, can't wear my wedding ring at all anymore, it hurts too much, I told shawn that I would wear his baby instead. It's hard to pick stuff up and move around but coming down the home stretch 37 weeks next Thursday! I'm so excited the mile stone of being "full term". I feel like it's gone so fast! I also have a Dr. apts every week now on Thursday so that will be fun to see how big she is and if I have dilated at all and if I'm positive for Strep this week.

Shawn: He invited me on a fun date night Friday we saw Toy Story 3 it was great, he enjoyed the two little girls next to us with all their cute comments. Our first date was Toy Story 2 in 1999, so that was fun to remember. We went to Ikea on Saturday for a fun road trip and we got an entertainment center for downstairs, which Shawn is not sold on yet, more modern looking than his tastes, but I like it :) so he gave in. It was fun to go last min.

It will look kind of like this but three on the bottom, and in white, but white dosen't show up on here very well.

We also go the cutest play mat/blanket and soft blocks I heart IKEA!!!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Week 35: Honey Dew you love me?

Measures between 17 to 18 inches long and weighs 5 ½ to 6 pounds.

Baby Price: The vast majority of your baby's growth is complete by 35 weeks. His/her kidneys are completely developed, and the liver is beginning to process waste. Because your baby has grown so much, you will notice that she will no longer be performing an aerobic workout. There just is not enough room for somersaults. However, this does not mean you will not feel your baby move. Her kickboxing routine should stay the same.

Lisa: Did a lot in the nursery this weekend: washing cloths, organizing, putting things in their place, decorating with letters & pendent banner I made, making the bed with the new bed skirt, so cute! Experiencing some carpatunnal but it could be worse. Went "shopping" this weekend with my friend Sara at Stone Gate garage sale and found some great toys including...

Rock & See Ark and the alphabet blocks plus the Incrediblock for $15

Melissa & Doug wooden blocks for $1.50.

I kind of want to sell them now seeing how much they really cost!

Shawn: played with blocks and spelled her name, enjoying the games baby price got him for His first Fathers day and gushed at the sweet card He said "This is the best Fathers day ever" I wonder if he'll say that every year? Shawn thinks she will come on the first Tuesday in August, since this is a very busy work day for him :) we'll see.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

week 34 Dr. apt.

Everything is looking good she is now head down yeah! Thanks for praying. I will continue to do my cat/cows! I was measuring about a week early because I gained 3lb this week my most yet. Dr.Flora thinks she weights about 5lb now and will continue to gain weight she thinks Baby Price will be 7.5-8lbs when she is born. Next time July 1st I will get tested for Strep about 40% of women are carriers and if I have it I will receive antibiotics during delivery so our baby doesn't get meningitis and we will also check out the cervix super exciting!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Week 34-baby cantaloupe

Most likely your baby is somewhere around 17 ½ inches long and weighs around 5 to 5 ½ pounds.

Baby Price: During the last several weeks, we have discussed that your baby's body has begun to fill out with the formation of fat under her skin. This is an important part of development because these fat stores will help the baby to regulate her body temperature once the baby is born. The central nervous system is continuing to mature, and the lungs are well developed. While most health care providers would ideally like you to carry up to 38 to 40 weeks, your baby has a good chance of surviving outside of your uterus at this time. (YEAH!!!)

Lisa: Eating breakfast takes a lot of energy I always seem to be out of breath after meals. My new favorite pregnancy quote "I'm so crafty, I make people". I was asked to be on the MOPS leadership team as the newsletter person, I'm sure they were like who can we rope into this? But I really do like putting things like that together so I'm excited to have some deeper mommy friends through it. Our small group loved us so much this weekend through a baby shower it was so fun to see all the little kids playing together. I hope we can do it more.

I'm getting a lot of good baby advise this week like...
from Sherry Pipkin
-Don't listen to any ones advise, do you what you need to do for your family.
-Take it one day at a time or one hour at a time.
-You can't spoil your baby, if someone says you're doing this say "I know, I only get to do it once."
-You don't have to be a great mom, just a good enough mom. (Grandma Wendy, she helped me through a break down last weekend! Love you mom.)
-Breath through your mouth, when changing an awful diaper, but don't eat a chili dog. (Pete Strege)
-Fasten your Velcro before you put it in the washer. (Michelle Sutton)

Have an apt this week so we will see if she has moved head down, thanks for praying!

Shawn: Watched the season finale of Glee with me but mostly because of the Journey mash-up. He held my belly the whole time and rubbed her and she loved the attention, lots of movement or maybe she just like the Journey mash-up. Shawn has started two new adventures: training for sound board for ZPC: He's really enjoying it and is a "fast learner" and will do his first solo service July 4th weekend. We have both also started meeting with a one2one discipleship partners I'm excited to grow through it.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Week 33-Pineapple

Baby is approximately 16 ½ inches long and weighs between 4 ½ to 5 pounds.

Baby: Her skin is beginning to look less red and less wrinkled. Fat stores are continuing to be deposited under her skin. Her bones are all beginning to harden except for the skull. The skull needs to remain soft and pliable for delivery.

Lisa: Feeling pretty good, still able to take walks: even though I have to stop from time to time. I'm craving sugar, sugar and sugar: trying to limit it or get it in the form of ice cream for calcium. repeat after me I will not buy Oreo's even if they are on sale, I will not buy Oreo's even if they are on sale. Had an amazing baby shower this weekend with dad's side I feel very loved. The only big thing we still need to get is the pack and play, it's feeling more real since the baby things are taking over the house! I went to some garage sales this weekend in my neighborhood and found some more good stuff for her including Fisher Price little people 4 sets for $15! And a Snap and Go for $10. I'm having a friend clean the house on Friday: I'm so excited for that.

Prayer request: Baby will go head down on her own.
I'm thinking head down when I visualize her in my tummy and doing lots of cat/cows (pelvic tilts) and even shining a light down there so she will be interested and want to go down there and check it out.

Shawn: Put together the baby swing this weekend! Good job Dad!
Shawn is thinking about Bottle vs. Breast: he says he will support me in breastfeeding, but sees all the advantages of bottle, like being helpful with feedings and going back to work. Which bottles to use: we registered for Dr. Brown, but lots of people say they are hard to clean. We will go to greenwood to check out the Buy Buy Baby's store and look at bottles then.

The great fan debate 2010: Shawn likes to have the ceiling fans on during the day when no one is home and at night in other rooms when we are not in them to "circulate the air" I think it's a waste of money. We need to go on that show marriage ref for this one, it's funny because he will turn them on and I will turn them off. What do you think?

Friday, June 4, 2010

week 32 check up

Every thing is looking great! I didn't even have extra protein or sugar which I was shocked at since I ate lots of puppy chow for dessert the night before. Baby Price is not head down anymore, but there is still time. The Dr said we could try to turn her if she is still not head down at 37 weeks. I shared my birth preferences with Dr. Flora she questioned me on a few of them, and we had some discussing surrounding the cutting of the cord and nursing during the deliver of the afterbirth.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

favorite maternity shots

Click here to see the whole album on Facebook

Week 32

I'm not sure what this even is maybe a root of some kind? Your baby is a little over 16 inches long and weighs between 4 and 4 ½ pounds.*

Baby Price: Your baby is continuing to grow. Her toenails and fingernails have formed. The lungs are continuing to mature but will not reach full maturity for several more weeks. Your baby’s skeleton has completely formed, but her bones are very soft and pliable.

Lisa: Feeling easily annoyed this week. Craving and eating lots of cookies and ice cream. Had a really great weekend with the Family, lots of people got to feel her move for the first time including Grandpa Konkel, Dad and Ann Axon (they know her name as well now). I think she is having hic-ups lots lately. Had a really great maternity shoot this weekend! Thanks so much Lis! here is a link to the photos.

Shawn: Reading the Baby Wispier lately, I'm reading it too but he is remembering more than me, so I'm glad he's reading it so in the middle of the night when I can't get sleep because she is screaming I can ask him what did that book say? He is meeting with his one-2-one partner this week for the first time and wrapping up his small group after this summer.