Saying Please she learned it in a few days she can learn so fast! I'm trying to think of new things to teach her all the time like colors, words, animal sounds, signs. Evey is always busy and on the go she loves baby dolls she going to be an awesome mom some day like her mom. :O) Evey's Grandma loves to play with her at school. Speaking of School Evey moved to the next room the Wallabies she likes playing with new toys and a dark nap time the teacher are very nice too. Miss Bailey and Mrs. Megan. She is eating the food the big kids eat now all cut up small for her. I'm trying to find things at garage sales that are all plastic for her room so they can have some new toys.
Evey can say lots of words she has about 20 words that I can make out what they are like "dink" for drink and "jers" for cheers she says mamma :0 which always makes me smile even in the morning when she should still be asleep. She has a bit of a cold I'm hoping it will go away or not get worse waiting to take her in to the 12 month apt coming up August 11th. I've taken some pretty cute video of her lately her laugh is so addictive!!! I feel like she says or does something new every day like yesterday she tickled my feet it was so funny she laughed and laughed.
I know lots of pregnant people so I'm excited to have little babies around again! Jennifer is due any day now!!! Three other friends are due in December/January. Life is good.
I'm having so much fun planning Evey's first birthday it will be a nice time to celebrate her :) with everyone I'm hoping that goes well.
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