Holy Moly she is getting so big!!!
> Starting to pull in her legs.
> First fever which lead to first...Tooth!
> Got her first tooth bottom right it looks like the bottom left is not too far behind
> Put away all 6mo clothing
> Taking a bottle really well about 4oz a day from dad at night or right before bed.
> 90% for Height and 88% weight.
> Evey loves mommy's cooking I made my own baby food with my friend Sarah. Evey has tried, Apple/pears and cinimmon sause (so good) Carrotts, and butternut squash this week.
> She flips over to her stomach at night but can't quite figure out how to roll back over. I wish she would figure it out so she would not be so frustrated and not wake me up as much.
> Evey is sick and her cough got really bad so I took her to the Dr. yesterday and she has RSV so she started breathing treatments. which she hates but tolerates if we sing to her.
> I just bought her the cutest socks for Micky March at Noah's Ark I'm pretty excited for her to participate in her first Mickey Party day!!!
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