Baby Price’s umbilical cord is not only lengthening but also becoming thicker and stronger for these last 23 weeks. Your baby’s sense of hearing is also developing since the ears have fully formed and moved into their final position. Your baby is also beginning to form adipose or fat tissue. This will help him/her take on a more normal appearance by filling out the fine features
that he/she has. Fat is important in helping regulate the body’s temperature and metabolism.
Lisa: Still waiting and longing to feel some movement. I took out a ruler and 5 3/4 is long! It's really growing in there, too bad it doesn't weigh more since I gained 2.6 lb this week, I'm pretty sure it is mostly the chocolate I ate for v-day. It feels like time is going fast for this pregnancy, I can't believe I'm almost half way.
I lost my grandma today, I'm so sad that she won't get to meet baby Price, but I'm glad I got to share the news with her and will never forget her reaction. She has been ready to go home to Jesus for awhile, but I will miss her dearly. I loved you so much Grandma Judy and am blessed to have know you for so long.
Shawn: Cleaning out closets to make room for the baby, it's totally awesome to see all progress he has made. I love my husband. V-day was great we made ice cream, and had dinner with the Uptons. He feels like week to week is going fast but looking back it seems longer, and July seems a long way off. We had fun registering at Target this weekend, he researched a car seat, I like the one he picked, good job dad!
Lisa, So sorry about your grandma, but rejoicing that she's with Jesus. I'm sure you'll recognize that movement soon. Honestly, it feels kind of like gas bubbles at first. Then it's feel a little like popcorn popping in your belly! Once you recognize it, you very well may have been feeling it before but not known it at the time!
ReplyDeleteHow precious that you will remember her reaction. That is fantastic. Though she will be missed. Glad that V-day was so grand. Jeff brought be tulips and strawberries yesterday. (V-day was spent driving back from a student conference.) Sounds like you are just really enjoying your pregnancy.