7 inches long and weighs about 7 ounces
Baby Price:
While your baby is continuing to grow, the development that is occurring is very specific. For example, the kidneys are making urine, and hair is beginning to sprout on his/her scalp. The parts of the brain that are responsible for the senses are specializing. If you are having a baby girl, she already has 6 million eggs formed in her ovaries. The ears and eyes are in the right place now and the eyes may flutter under their closed lids.Lisa: 19 weeks
Two new milestones... 1) The sneeze/laugh and pee and ... 2) Maternity cloths: here comes the belly. I'm adding to the registry, very fun. Selling lots on Craig's list for the baby fund, I think we are going to get a ceiling fan with the $. Sold the rocker that I once loved, but am looking for something more modern. I had another dream... Shawn and I were adopting two little black girls but not from Haiti, from Baby's R'us I think it's all the registering I'm doing.
Shawn: My favorite quote this week: "Your looking more pregnant all the time."