Fig is over 2 ½ inches long from crown to rump and weighs about half an ounce.
About Baby Fig: Baby’s head accounts for almost half of his/her entire length. Both the fingers and the toes have separated by week 11. The baby’s skin is still very transparent, but his/her bones are beginning to harden. The external genitalia have almost completely formed, and in several weeks you might be able to know if you are having a boy or a girl. Even though you cannot feel your baby moving around, he/she is very active.
How I'm doing: Very excited for the cruise this week! Feeling less sick with the sea band, but still finding it hard to sleep, I think I'm going to try some Benadryl. Hoping that I don't get too sea sick: I've packed the meds! I bought my first maternity cloths this week that was fun. I swear I can feel the baby's heart beat in my belly even though I know that's not possible yet. I'm looking forward to feeling the first movements!
Shawn: He will be bringing his daddy books on the cruise (which he is not as excited for as I am). Last night we had a good heart to heart about baby names and how we were both feeling like the other disregarded our names and we really listened to one another and picked a really beautiful girls name together (which I will not be revealing so don't ask) I kept saying the name over and over again last night I really love it. Here's hoping its a girl. He loves to tough my belly it's very sweet. He is so kind to me when I'm feeling yucky.
Great to hear you are feeling well and I hope you enjoy your cruise! Also happy to hear the Shawn is living up to his husbandly duties!! :)