Friday, January 29, 2010
an email that made me smile :)
"So just wanted to let you know that I'm taking a Child Psychology class. Yesterday we learned ALL about the pregnancy process and the baby's development. I thought of you and it made me very happy :) Then I went to read your blog and I love how your baby is like a lemon now! According to my professor your baby already has everything to work as a person and it just has to grow bigger now! You probably know much more than I do but I'm having lots of fun learning about this stuff. :) Hope you are doing well and feeling ok.
miss you and much love <3"
Nicole Nierste
Thanks Nicole! I love hearing that your learning all this stuff it will make you a great mom some day and nudge nudge babysitter for baby Price. Love you! Lisa <><
looks like a boy from the test :) however, my friend's sister-in-law just had a false test after her ultrasound so it could still go either way, Intelligender is just for fun :)
Monday, January 25, 2010
Week 14 Lemon Zesty

Baby Lemon: is continuing to grow and mature at this point. Your baby’s arms are going to begin to lengthen and be more proportioned to the rest of the body. The liver is beginning to produce bile, while the spleen is beginning to produce red blood cells.
The development of your baby’s brain enables him/her to use his/her facial muscles to grimace, frown, and squint. He/she may even be sucking his/her thumb. Because you have begun the second trimester and most of the critical development has been completed, the chance of miscarriage decreases.
Lisa: Oh good miscarriage decreases, I love reading that over and over again. God I know your loving this baby already and watching over it. I'm pretty excited to take intelliagender Friday morning, but the "official ultrasound" is March 11th, 44 days away but who's counting. I though I was over morning sickness but low and behold I will not be having eggs again for awhile. I went to my first MOPS meeting last Friday and am hoping to get to know my table better next time. I made a belly band for $3 verse $17 at the store, I made it a little big so I can grow into it. Watching the games yesterday was so fun, I only fell asleep during half time, which is a record for me. Go Colts!
Shawn: This weekend we hung out with Jason, Katie and Clark (for an hour before he went to bed) and it was so fun to watch Shawn play with Clark he is already a good daddy. He said hello to the belly a few days ago and it grumbled back at him, it made us both laugh. This morning I was winded just doing my hair and he started singing "she works hard for the baby" it put a smile on my face.
Next Apt: February 11th: I will be 16 weeks
Thursday, January 21, 2010
you know your pregers when...
2) You can't turn around in the shower with out cringing cause the water hurts your boobs.
3) I love this one...Other people tell you they are pregnant first, before they tell other people (thanks Lisa and Val)
4) Your husband asks for tortilla chips from the grocery store and you totally forget to buy them, (but you remember to buy Cinnamon raisin bread that you bought on a whim) then he has to go to CVS when he get home from work and buy some chips and he buys you chocolate too to cheer you up from pregnancy brain.
5) You cry at every sentimental commercial, movie preview, book your reading, common conversation, song on the radio, TV show that made you laugh before. Oh man, the Haiti earthquake is making me wear waterproof mascara.
6) During small group prayer you have to dismiss yourself to pee.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Week 13: Peachy

Baby Price: Up until this point, your baby’s head has been the largest part of the body, but that is beginning to change. Your baby’s head is now only about 1/3 of the total body. Unique fingerprints are now located on the tips of your baby’s fingers. Your fetus is forming teeth and vocal cords. Intestines are in the process of moving from the umbilical cord to baby's tummy. (Much more convenient.) Covering your baby’s skin is a fine, soft hair called lanugo.
Lisa: Started a baby quilt today, but don't love it. I may stop this one and start a new one. Still pretty stoked about hearing baby's heart beat last week, and entering the second trimester, everyone says this is the one that rocks! Eating better this week still loosing weight though. Nothing really sounds appealing. I was promised that I will gain the weight and this is totally normal. However, the belly is still growing. I watched Anne of Green Gables today, after finishing the book and hope to be able to share it with a daughter some day or a son, I'm not picky, I just love Anne. I may go to the maternity pants this week. I Get turned off by the smell of hot dogs cooking, yuck!
Shawn: Loves cooking hot dogs. He loves me so much and is really good at showing me with hugs and cuddles. We enjoy watching Wheel of Fortune together over dinner lately. That Million dollar space is a scam.
Friday, January 15, 2010
12 week check up "That never happens"
We got to hear the heart beat again it was 168 so everyone thinks it's a boy. But I asked Shawn later that evening "Wasn't it nice to hear your daughters heart beat today?" and he laughed at me. Next time I think I will try to record the heart beat on my iphone so I can listen to it again.
We reviewed my labs and Dr. Flora said that I didn't have any negative numbers then she stated "That never happens" I'm an over achiever with my blood work, I'm pretty sure it's because I was working out lots but have since not gone to the guy much. Dr. Flora thinks that hopefully in the next few weeks I will be up for it again. The thought of walking up the stairs to get to the treadmill makes me nausea.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Week 12

Lisa: What! The baby is peeing inside me, no one told me that would happen, is pregnancy over yet? Just kidding I know I have a LONG way to go. I bought some more maternity cloths today. We got back from our cruse where I only threw up 3 times, but won Bingo and a foot massage. I Had a squeeze today that hit the spot, I'm not eating as well as I should be, but I am taking the prenatal vitamins so I'm sure that will take the place of leafy green veggies.
Shawn: Enjoys hanging out with me so I guess the pregnancy bitchiness hasn't set in yet, and now a question from Shawn; Why do we have hopes and dreams?
Monday, January 4, 2010
Week 11 Fig in the Sun!

Fig is over 2 ½ inches long from crown to rump and weighs about half an ounce.
About Baby Fig: Baby’s head accounts for almost half of his/her entire length. Both the fingers and the toes have separated by week 11. The baby’s skin is still very transparent, but his/her bones are beginning to harden. The external genitalia have almost completely formed, and in several weeks you might be able to know if you are having a boy or a girl. Even though you cannot feel your baby moving around, he/she is very active.
How I'm doing: Very excited for the cruise this week! Feeling less sick with the sea band, but still finding it hard to sleep, I think I'm going to try some Benadryl. Hoping that I don't get too sea sick: I've packed the meds! I bought my first maternity cloths this week that was fun. I swear I can feel the baby's heart beat in my belly even though I know that's not possible yet. I'm looking forward to feeling the first movements!
Shawn: He will be bringing his daddy books on the cruise (which he is not as excited for as I am). Last night we had a good heart to heart about baby names and how we were both feeling like the other disregarded our names and we really listened to one another and picked a really beautiful girls name together (which I will not be revealing so don't ask) I kept saying the name over and over again last night I really love it. Here's hoping its a girl. He loves to tough my belly it's very sweet. He is so kind to me when I'm feeling yucky.