To Doula or not to Doula; that is the question. (A doula is a woman who helps women and their families through labor and birth.) So I've been praying and thinking about this alot and Shawn and I have decided to pursue having a Doula with us during the birthing process.
Some of the reasons I made this decision...
The stats:
50% reduction in the cesarean rate
25% shorter labor (I wish this was higher but I'll take 25%)
60% reduction in epidural requests (not that I'm opposed to this)
40% reduction in oxytocin use
30% reduction in analgesia use
40% reduction in forceps delivery
Also they help with breast feeding and women who use Doula's have a lower percentage of post-pardum depression.
They start at about $500 depending on the level of training. I've been looking at alot of websites and some are kind of strange, like named after Greek Gods.
We are interviewing a Doula our friend recommended mid January :) I'm hoping she is a good fit for us.
Here is her Website
Birth by Design
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