The baby being the size of an Orange is fitting since I'm craving OJ. So we had an early ultrasound and we found out what we are having, but not officially announcing until March or maybe later this month. Although I do find it slipping from time to time. I'm feeling pretty good except for tired but not nausea. Also choosing names with Shawn is fun! I'm stressing out about Evey being jealous of mommy holding a different baby she is very clingy right now. She will go to school during the week days while I'm on maternity so at least that will be a bit easier I hope. I think I am feeling baby move more and more, but it could be gas I have alot of that too!
Evey is almost 18 Month!!! I'm so excited for her she is so smart, talking lots more putting words together, being silly playing and having fun with her pop-up princess tent and bubbles and swinging are her favorites, kind of a fusspot when she wants what she can't have but aren't we all! She is liking eating cereal with a spoon and her hands she is into frosted mini-shredded wheat can't get enough!