Friday, August 3, 2012
41 weeks!
41 weeks
Head and face down still
Good fluid
Urine good
HR 120s
Membranes stripped
Dilated 3
Yeah for more dilated!
I'm feeling emotional knowing it's so close but waiting on him to come on his own or Monday which ever comes first! I know my body will be ready! I am confident that God is in control, and is protecting my family.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
40 weeks
40 weeks
Gained 1 lb
120/80 BP
Good urine
146 HR
Measuring 39 dropping
Membrane stripped
Good 2 Dilated
75 Effaced
10 lbs? Baby oh my!
8/6/12 induction
Gained 1 lb
120/80 BP
Good urine
146 HR
Measuring 39 dropping
Membrane stripped
Good 2 Dilated
75 Effaced
10 lbs? Baby oh my!
8/6/12 induction
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
39 weeks
120/70 bp
HR 128
Head down
Measuring 41 weeks
Good 2cm dilated
75 effaced
gained 4lbs, oh goodness!
I'm already to Tuesday the 24th so I think he might be a due date baby at least I'm hopefully that we won't be over :) if he does go over I hope he comes on 7/27 which would be a cool birthday!
HR 128
Head down
Measuring 41 weeks
Good 2cm dilated
75 effaced
gained 4lbs, oh goodness!
I'm already to Tuesday the 24th so I think he might be a due date baby at least I'm hopefully that we won't be over :) if he does go over I hope he comes on 7/27 which would be a cool birthday!
Thursday, July 12, 2012
38 weeks!
Saw Dr. Flora today with Shawn which was nice to have him there too.
I lost a pound Dr. Flora wasn't worried about it, I was happy I didn't gain a pound!
He is dropping! I'm 75% Effaced and still only 1cm dilated.
All numbers were good Heart Rate was lowest it's ever been 127 but between 120-170 is normal.
I'm negative for strep B so that's good too.
She said she though he would come around my due date, but it's not scientific at all so I'm not holding my breath.
I lost a pound Dr. Flora wasn't worried about it, I was happy I didn't gain a pound!
He is dropping! I'm 75% Effaced and still only 1cm dilated.
All numbers were good Heart Rate was lowest it's ever been 127 but between 120-170 is normal.
I'm negative for strep B so that's good too.
She said she though he would come around my due date, but it's not scientific at all so I'm not holding my breath.
Thursday, July 5, 2012
37 weeks today, full Term!
37 weeks today! So that is good news he is now full term! The nurse had trouble finding his heart rate but she finally did and it was 134. He is still head down and she thinks he's about 7lbs. big boy! Dr. Flora says all my number are good and things are looking good. I asked her how long she would let me go over and she said a week and a half. So the latest he could come is August 6/7th.
I asked her about my strep B test from last week, and she said she thought it was negative but her computer wasn't working so she said she would tell me next week. I told her I wanted to try to get to 6cm on my own to try to avoid pitosin and she said she thought that would decrease my need for it but she also said since he will probably be a big baby I might need it to get stronger contractions to push him out with. Time will tell.
Evey fun! We got her a baby swimming pool on July 4th and she loves it! She is also liking her big girl bed and playing with her Mini Mouse doll. Knows her colors and shapes and is starting to count she can make it to 4 and recognize some letters. She is singing her ABC's which is adorable!
I asked her about my strep B test from last week, and she said she thought it was negative but her computer wasn't working so she said she would tell me next week. I told her I wanted to try to get to 6cm on my own to try to avoid pitosin and she said she thought that would decrease my need for it but she also said since he will probably be a big baby I might need it to get stronger contractions to push him out with. Time will tell.
Evey fun! We got her a baby swimming pool on July 4th and she loves it! She is also liking her big girl bed and playing with her Mini Mouse doll. Knows her colors and shapes and is starting to count she can make it to 4 and recognize some letters. She is singing her ABC's which is adorable!
Friday, May 25, 2012
Evey 22 Months 2 months till Baby Grayson arrives!
We got to go to Disney! Well just one day, it was hot and we had alot of fun! Evey was so cute waving to Mickey. She loved her ears!
My belly is getting much bigger, harder to get in and out of bed and I have the waddle now. Lots of friends with new babies! Karyl B., Sarah G. and Kristin C. all three had girls so I'm glad I'm having a boy lots of prom dates to choose from! We announced Grayson's name on FB and to the moms over lunch on Mothers day and I haven't gotten any negative feedback but I doubt anyone would tell me to my face if they didn't like it. Shawn wants to call him Gray but I'm not sure if that will flow when I am talking to him, I guess time will tell. I've thought Gray bear or gray gray might be what I call him.
Evey is saying lots of words now and putting them together into two word sentences like my favorite..."good morning mommy" and "Daddy's ipad" she is so much fun to play with and be silly with and I love her laugh! She is great at puzzles and having lots of fun with crafts.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Evey 20 months or 1year8months baby 25 weeks
My last Dr visit went well, he is measuring a little ahead of schedule, or maybe it's all the ice cream I've been eating! He is now the size of a papaya. Evey is getting better at me holding other kids, even though she still gets a bit jealous. I'm hoping it will keep getting better and better. She is getting to be such a big girl, learning new words every day and talking in 2-3 words at a time. I love her so much, she is cute kissing the belly, and talking about baby together.
Monday, March 26, 2012
23 Weeks baby BOY!!! 19.5 Months Evey

It's been a difficult few weeks emotionally, maybe because of pregnancy, maybe because of tragedy. My grandpa passed away, so glad I got to talk at his funeral and that he knew Jesus. Then my friend's baby was in the hospital and now a good friend was in a car accident and broke her pelvis, then I curbed Shawn's new car and busted both wheels on the passenger side, at least it wasn't more serious, just hard to forgive myself. Feeling overwhelmed lately, and that this pregnancy is going super fast!!!
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Baby 19 weeks, Evey almost 19 months!

Funny they are almost the same number! Baby Price is growing leaps and bounds, size of a mango now! He can hear now which is fun so I'm sure they will recognize Evey's voice cause she kisses the belly lots which is so cute! Shawn still can't feel baby move but I'm thinking in the next two weeks that should happen.
Shawn has been what he calls "nesting" cleaning out lots of things in our home like old papers, pantry, kitchen cabinets, pantry. We bought a new car a black Prius, which I am in love with more and more ever time I drive it, and got a new car seat so Evey can ride in style too, I'm so excited to forward face her but we have to wait 5 more pounds!!! I don't want her to grow up so much but will be glad for that step, I think she will enjoy the car more too.
She still loves babies and taking care of them in every way, at small group this week she rocked Judah in his car seat and said shhhhh and offered him a toy it was really sweet. She did seem a little stressed when he cried, so I hope she doesn't stress too much when baby Gigi as she likes to call him cries. We will see. I'm almost half way through pregnancy!
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
15 weeks Orange! and almost 1 and a half!
The baby being the size of an Orange is fitting since I'm craving OJ. So we had an early ultrasound and we found out what we are having, but not officially announcing until March or maybe later this month. Although I do find it slipping from time to time. I'm feeling pretty good except for tired but not nausea. Also choosing names with Shawn is fun! I'm stressing out about Evey being jealous of mommy holding a different baby she is very clingy right now. She will go to school during the week days while I'm on maternity so at least that will be a bit easier I hope. I think I am feeling baby move more and more, but it could be gas I have alot of that too!
Evey is almost 18 Month!!! I'm so excited for her she is so smart, talking lots more putting words together, being silly playing and having fun with her pop-up princess tent and bubbles and swinging are her favorites, kind of a fusspot when she wants what she can't have but aren't we all! She is liking eating cereal with a spoon and her hands she is into frosted mini-shredded wheat can't get enough!
Thursday, January 26, 2012
13 weeks Little Lemon
baby Lemon is growing growing growing! 3 inches long now. I found a place that is training people to do ultrasounds so I'm going next Tuesday then again at 17 weeks! I'm so excited to see the new baby twice before 20 weeks.
Evey is saying babies name when I ask her about baby now (well if it's a girl) So that means we will probably have a boy. I'm going to do the cabage test soon, I bought the wrong type ofcababge yesterday!!! I did do a gender test that Shawn got me for christmas even thougth it was wrong for Evey this was a different brand with better reviews on Amazon ( I love Amazon).
I'm super excited to get a new juicer this weekend! I want to drink my veggies! Yummy for me and baby and Shawn and Evey!
Evey is saying babies name when I ask her about baby now (well if it's a girl) So that means we will probably have a boy. I'm going to do the cabage test soon, I bought the wrong type ofcababge yesterday!!! I did do a gender test that Shawn got me for christmas even thougth it was wrong for Evey this was a different brand with better reviews on Amazon ( I love Amazon).
I'm super excited to get a new juicer this weekend! I want to drink my veggies! Yummy for me and baby and Shawn and Evey!
Stationery card
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almost free card from shutterfly that shawn will be getting for vday! since he never reads the blog it's safe to post this early!
Friday, January 6, 2012
11 Weeks
I feel like a big whale!!! had to bust out the maternity cloths last week, I think that's a whole month earlier than with Evey. It's going to be a long ride! I'm not sure how I could be bigger than I was at the end last time 11 day over due. but I'm glad skin stretches! Baby is now the size of a lime! That makes me crave limeade from red robin! I visited 3 separate babies at IU North, last weekend they are all home now and having separate issues, johndas, c-section healing and pain. I forgot about that part, that's nice that God gives you that ability to forget the pain!
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