Happy Thanksgiving!
> Evey is sleeping through the night the last few nights! like 7-9hrs! I praise Jesus for uninturpped sleep! Thanksgiving had some rough nights, but it worked in my favor I got to go black Friday shoping after Evey got me up at 3:30.
> She has her first cold the coughing makes me so sad. I was reading that they have about one a month and if they are in daycare that is double, so I guess she is going to be sick until she turns two.
> We are attempting a bottle a day and it is not going so well, so I bought a bottle warmer and she is still rejecting it but will take it for a little while, at night if you don't wake her up she takes it with no problem so I have hope since I know she can physcially do it.
> My big girl is standing up so tall and supporting her self very well. She enjoying sitting up with help and tummy time for longer periods. Of course she still loves to sleep on mommy. I relised the other day that Shawn never gets to hold her while she is asleep cause I hog it, so we talked about that, he said he knows I like it, and he said he really likes waking her up in the morning and getting the frist smile.
> We have moved her to the other side of the bath tub a few times it says infant and newborn on one side and toddlers on the other.