Monday, May 24, 2010

Week 31

Baby Price is continuing to grow and has grown to over 15 ½inches in length and weighs anywhere from 3 ½ to 4 pounds.*

Baby: is continuing to develop a layer of fat under her skin. This is in preparation for her arrival into the world and gives the baby more of a newborn appearance. During the next several weeks your baby will really begin to put on the weight. Remember the average size of a newborn is about 7 ½ pounds and 19 to 21 inches long.*
Lisa: It's happening... "Shawn can we turn the fan on?" "It's not hot in here Lisa.-Shawn" For Shawn not to be hot is how I knew I was turning into a furnace. I for sure feel like the belly is now taking over. I'm happy she is growing. I'm constantly hungry and tired, but want to keep doing everything. I did a wedding this weekend and am glad it will be my last one before she comes, walking around a lot hurts, but I need to keep moving!
Shawn: Disappointed in the last Lost show, but had a good time watching it. Babysat Kipton Saturday with Lisa, he pulled the wagon on the long walk he will be a great daddy! I can't wait to see him with our little girl. He let me know that he will be taking her on daddy-daughter dates so I better be ok with him dating another women. I am very ok with it. :)

Sunday, May 23, 2010

what color will her eyes be?

Shawn and I were discussing what color we thought her eyes would be and we broke out our biology skills with a punnett square I have hazel eyes and Shawn has blue eyes so she has 50% chance of having blue eyes and 50% chance of having green eyes, no brown eyes for her. Then we went to the internet and we were right! Here is a grid I found.
Other fun facts about eye color...
> You probably knew that brown is the most common eye color worldwide, but did you know that green is by far the rarest? In fact, less than 2 percent of the global population possesses green eyes.
> As a country, Turkey has the highest percentage of citizens who have green eyes, at 20 percent.
> There are a number of countries – generally located in Asia, South America, and the Middle East – where green eyes are almost completely absent among the population.
> Did you know that blue eyes are the most common eye color for Caucasians, over amber, hazel, grey, and green? In fact, over 80 percent of the population of Iceland has either blue or green eyes.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Week 30!

She is about 15.15 inches long (CHL) and weighs about 3 pounds
As your baby continues to grow, she takes up a larger portion of your uterus. You may not feel that your body can handle your growing baby, but it will compensate by allowing your uterus to extend underneath your rib cage. Your baby’s eyes are becoming more mature, and now she can tell the difference between light and dark. Babies at 30 weeks can even follow a light source with her eyes. Once your baby is born, she will spend a great deal of time with their eyes closed. This is completely normal. Newborns only have the ability to focus on objects a few inches from their faces. While “normal” adult vision is 20/20, a newborn’s vision is 20/400.

Lisa: Only 10 weeks away! Wow that is great! I'm doing really well feeling good, getting good sleep most nights. Seeing the Dr. Thursday this week. I'm not really exercising much, I need to get back in the habit, but it hurts when I walk more than 10mins. maybe some strength training this week would be a good goal. We went to a newborn basics class this week but I still feel like umm what do I do with this baby? Went to a garage sale Friday and got some hooded towels and some maternity shirts for a good price! Had a dream this weekend that I gave birth to a kitten!

Shawn: He is getting very excited to meet his daughter, he talks to her every day, rubs the belly and does a good job taking care of achy mommy. He got to play tennis this weekend. He has enjoyed watching LOST, and still a big Wheel of Fortune fan. I signed him up to be a contestant this week but doubt he will be called, oh well worth a shot.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Week 29: Baby Butternut

Baby now measures over 14 ½ inches and weighs 2 ¾ pounds.

Baby Price is rapidly growing at this point. Obviously she is continuing to gain weight, and her head is also growing. This is due to the rapid brain development that began in week 28. Muscles and lungs are also continuing to develop and mature. Because there is so much development and maturing going on, it is incredibly important to ensure that you are getting plenty of nutrients and rest. Make sure that you are getting adequate amounts of protein, vitamin C, folic acid, iron, and calcium.
What Candy bar is in the diaper game at the shower!
Lisa: Welcome to the third trimester, it seems to all be going so fast! I've graduated to seeing the Dr every two weeks now. My last apt. Thursday I got a shot and I don't think I have Gestational Diabetes because I think they would have called me by now, so that is a good sign. We have our second first aid/CPR class tonight then newborn basics Saturday then we are done with classes at Clarian North. Me and my mom at Max and Erma's for mothers day lunch.

Wow what a mothers day weekend! I had my big shower which was so fun! We got lots of fun stuff for baby girl! It was fun to put it all in her room. We decided for mothers day to tell our moms her name, so that was fun I cried when I told them. My mom said she thinks it is so pretty. I'm feeling good, a little harder to breath than it used to be, I just found out I have another prego friend, so fun! She is due in December. I'm feeling overwhelmed by the amount of thank you notes I need to write, but I will work on them one at a time.

Shawn: AKA awesome husband! Made me cry when he gave me a wonderful note about excited to see me as a mom and a massage for mothers day. He was very motivated to get the matters this weekend and he hung 2 the wire cables with clips that we got from Ikea and I clipped some of the cutest baby cards that I got from the shower on to it.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Monday, May 3, 2010

Week 28 baby Cabbage

Baby P is about 14 ¼ inches long and weighs in at 2 ½ pounds

Baby Price: Her brain is really beginning to develop into a more complex organ. Up until this point, baby’s brain has been relatively smooth, but beginning this week her brain will develop grooves and indentions along its surface. The amount of brain tissue also begins to increase during the 28th week.The development of hair also continues. Eyebrows and eyelashes are visible, while the hair on your baby’s head grows even longer. Your baby is also starting to look a little rounder as the fat storage under the skin continues to develop. This is an important part of development that will continue through the remainder of your pregnancy.

Lisa: Feeling lots more movement now, and stronger! I'll have to find some brain foods to eat since that is the focus of development this week. I discussed having a video monitor with Shawn this week and he is open to it I guess we'll put it on the registry and see what happens. Still feeling like I'm fighting a virus, keeping up with the fluids. Just found out that my hair dresser is pregnant too! I'm excited for her. We're meeting with our Doula tomorrow evening and looking forward to picking her brain about lots of topics. Having my Rh shot and glucose test this week ugh, I love getting stuck!

Shawn: Working from home today so the ceiling fan can be installed, looking into a new dishwasher, and doing lots of great research and Lowe's trips for both. We finished our childbirth classes this weekend, and are doing first-aid tonight and next week, hoping to learn something we don't already know.