Baby Price has finally reached a weight of 1 pound and is approximately 11-14 inches long.
She is continuing to gain weight, but the next several weeks will be when she really begins to fill out. Lanugo, or the fine hair that covers your baby’s body, may darken at this point allowing it to be seen on an ultrasound. Baby is also beginning to look more like it will at birth. (just like mom)
Lisa: I saw her move through my belly on Saturday! It was awesome, I'm sure Shawn will get to feel her this week right? I hope so. She likes to move around after meals so I'm hoping that means she likes what I eat. I looked at the changing table last week and it is was not in very good shape so it was not worth the $ they wanted for it, so I'll keep looking. I had a really amazing spiritual experience this weekend called Wise Women, in Tennessee I'm sill processing it but wow; God revealed some really cool things to me.
Shawn: had a busy weekend without Lisa, but missed her very much, he brought Josie flowers and a balloon for her birthday so sweet! He will be a great daddy for a little girl and he finished painting the nursery, and it looks amazing! Can't wait to get some furniture in there. We talked about where we would put things it was very fun! We are visiting Shawn's family for Easter in MI and will go to Ikea to get some furniture for the room.
Update: Monday evening Shawn felt her move for the first time! He leaned over to the belly and said I love you little girl; it was so sweet it makes me cry.